New Information About James Biden’s $200,000 Check to Joe Biden Emerges

New details about James Biden’s $200,000 check to Joe Biden emerged after the trustee for Americore’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings testified to the House Oversight Committee.

House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) recently uncovered a $200,000 direct payment to Joe Biden after he received James and Hunter’s subpoenaed documents.

In 2018, Jim Biden received $600,000 in ‘loans’ from Americore Health LLC, a failing/bankrupt rural hospital operator. According to bankruptcy documents, Jim Biden received the loans “based upon representations that his last name Biden could open doors and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.”

On March 1, 2018, Americore Health LLC wired a $200,000 payment to Jim and Sara Biden’s personal bank account. On that very same day, Jim Biden then wrote a $200,000 check to Joe Biden, AKA, “The Big Guy.”

The Republican-led Oversight Committee recently said Joe Biden is refusing to provide applicable loan documentation to show he loaned his brother James Biden money.

James Biden not only defrauded Americore, he ripped off elderly Americans – then sent the money he took from the elderly and cut Joe Biden a check.

According to the House Oversight’s transcribed interview with Carol Fox, the trustee for Americore’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, James Biden’s business partner, Michael Lewitt, pulled money that belonged to elderly Americans from an investment fund and “transmitted it to Americore, which turned around and paid James Biden. James Biden on the same day cut a check to Joe Biden for the exact same amount as James Biden received from Americore.”

Excerpt from Fox News:

James Biden, the brother of President Joe Biden, didn’t provide any services to Americore despite obtaining a $600,000 loan from the struggling healthcare company on the promise that his name could bring in funding from the Middle East, which never materialized, Fox News has learned.

Carol Fox, a Chapter 11 trustee for the financially distressed hospital operator, spoke with members of the House Oversight Committee in an interview where she detailed Americore’s relationship with James Biden.

Fox said the loan was provided to Biden with no documentation in return for the promise of funding from the Middle East that never came. She filed a lawsuit against Biden, saying he made “representations that his last name, ‘Biden,’ could ‘open doors’ and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.”

The suit demanded that the $600,000 loan be paid back to Americore. In a transcribed interview with the committee, Fox said she didn’t see records or documents of the loan from Americore.

On March 1, 2018, Americore wired a $200,000 loan into the personal accounts of James Biden and his wife, Sara. That same day, James Biden wrote the president a $200,000 check from the same personal account.

Fox said the money paid to the president could have come from two sources: predatory loans or senior citizens’ money fraudulently invested by James Biden’s business partner, Michael Lewitt.

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