“Let’s Go Brandon 2.0” – Libs Think “F**k Joe Biden” Chant At Trump Sneaker Event Said “Let’s Go Biden”

Fake News media also claiming Trump was booed by thousands

During Donald Trump’s Saturday appearance at Sneaker Con, where he unveiled a special pair of high-top shoes, the crowd chanted, “Fuck Joe Biden,” and leftists claimed they were saying, “Let’s Go Biden.”

The crowd actually appears to be chanting both “Fuck Joe Biden” and “Let’s Go Brandon.”

Pro-Trump rapper Hi-Rez coined the incident “‘Let’s Go Brandon’ part 2” as it is nearly identical to the televised moment when “Fuck Joe Biden” first became “Let’s Go Brandon.”

Click here for more details on the origin of “Let’s Go Brandon.”

When the term “Let’s Go Biden” started trending online over the misunderstood video, the left doubled down and insisted “Let’s go Biden” is actually a thing.

The dishonest media also ran headlines claiming Trump was booed at the event when in reality, he saw a woman wearing a “Trump 2024” t-shirt and the crowd sounded like it was both cheering and booing.

It does sound like a couple of people may have been booing, but there is also a terrible microphone feedback making a similar tone noise throughout the speech.

A Forbes video alleged Trump reacted to being booed by telling the crowd “there’s a lot of emotion,” but the couple of people booing only started after he said “there’s a lot of emotion in this room.”

After speaking to the crowd about his shoes for a moment, Trump held them up in the air and received a major applause.

Listen and watch below:

Check out some official images of the visibly pro-Trump crowd at the event:

Embed from Getty Images

Embed from Getty Images

Embed from Getty Images

Embed from Getty Images

Delusional leftists on social media said Trump was “booed for 6 straight minutes” by “thousands” of people who booed him “offstage.”

Of course, reality showed a couple of haters booing compared to hundreds chanting “Fuck Joe Biden” and “Let’s Go Brandon.”

Sane people online slammed liberals for again twisting reality.

The AI chat bot Grok even knows the crowd was pro-Trump!