WATCH LIVE: 2 PM ET – Trump ICE Director Tom Homan Testifies at House Judiciary Hearing on Presidential Power to Secure the Border After Joe Biden Admits to Secretly Flying 320,000 Illegals into the United States

Thousands of illegal aliens are held in a Del Rio, Texas, holding area before being processed and released into the US in December 2023.

Trump ICE Director Tom Homan will testify in a House Judiciary Committee hearing alongside Center for Immigration Studies’s Art Arthur and America First Legal Executive Director Gene Hamilton to examine Joe Biden’s handling of the illegal immigration crisis.

The hearing “will examine how the Biden Administration has systematically dismantled effective border security measures and has stymied aggressive enforcement of the immigration laws in the interior of the United States” and “how President Biden can mitigate the border crisis by using mechanisms that currently exist within immigration law,” according to the Judiciary Committee’s webpage.

This hearing comes after the horrific murder of Georgia college student Laken Riley by an illegal alien suspect named Jose Ibarra. Countless Americans have been raped and murdered by the illegals that Biden rolled out the red carpet for.

This also comes almost immediately after the Biden Regime admitted to actively aiding and abetting the invasion by operating secret charter flights to transport over 320,000 illegal immigrants from foreign airports to various U.S. cities.

Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam was the first to report on this treason last week after he discovered “15-acre facilities” in the Darién gap between Colombia and Panama that the United States is using to process and smuggle illegals into the United States before they even reach the border.

As The Gateway Pundit reported this morning, Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County, Florida, recently announced a massive human trafficking bust and revealed how Joe Biden’s policies drive human smuggling by providing human smugglers and illegal aliens with UNLIMITED free plane tickets.

Sheriff Grady Judd Reveals How US Federal Government Provides UNLIMITED Plane Tickets to ILLEGALS FOR FREE to Any Destination in the US – And Traffics Women in Sex Trade This Way (VIDEO)

Via House Judiciary Committee:

2141 Rayburn House Office Building

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement will hold a hearing on Thursday, March 7, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. ET. The hearing, “Presidential Power to Secure the Border,” will examine how the Biden Administration has systematically dismantled effective border security measures and has stymied aggressive enforcement of the immigration laws in the interior of the United States. The hearing will also examine how President Biden can mitigate the border crisis by using mechanisms that currently exist within immigration law.

  • Gene Hamilton, Former Counselor to the Attorney General; Executive Director, Executive Vice President, and General Counsel, America First Legal
  • Art Arthur, Resident Fellow in Law and Policy, Center for Immigration Studies
  • Tom Homan, Former Acting Director, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; Visiting Fellow, Border Security and Immigration Center, The Heritage Foundation

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