President Trump Ridicules Ronna After Mitt’s Niece Is Fired By NBC News, Which Says They Want Their Newsroom To Be ‘Aligned’

Last Updated on March 26, 2024

Ronna McDaniel, formerly Ronna Romney, got fired from her job at NBC News, leaving globalist RINO Mitt Romney’s niece in “NEVER NEVERLAND” according to President Donald J. Trump. McDaniel also lost her Creative Artists Agency (CAA) showbiz representation.

Ronna’s tenure as RNC chairwoman ended in ignominious disgrace, as is the case with so many RINO establishment shills who cycle through middle-management positions for the globalists in Washington, D.C. Romney was succeeded by Michael Whatley, another Swamper. At least Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump has an RNC co-chair title, and the RNC fired a lot of staffers to streamline operations for Trump’s 2024 bid for the presidency. Trump is the frontrunner right now over Joe Biden.

“Wow! Ronna McDaniel got fired by Fake News NBC. She only lasted two days, and this after McDaniel went out of her way to say what they wanted to hear. It leaves her in a very strange place, it’s called NEVER NEVERLAND, and it’s not a place you want to be,” President Donald Trump stated on his social media platform Truth Social.

Ronna McDaniel was fired soon after she falsely claimed that Trump lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden, when in reality Trump was unable to get his own campaign team (including Jared Kushner and Bill Stepien) and McDaniel’s RNC to actually try to stop the certification of the fraudulent election. Ultimately, Mike Pence betrayed America and certified the fraudulent election, and the rest is history…dark, awful history.

“After listening to the legitimate concerns of many of you, I have decided that Ronna McDaniel will not be an NBC News contributor. No organization, particularly a newsroom, can succeed unless it is cohesive and aligned. Over the last few days, it has become clear that this appointment undermines that goal,” according to NBC News Group chairman Cesar Conde.

McDaniel was terrible at her job.

McDaniel claimed that Virginia Republican governor Glenn Youngkin told the RNC that his team did not need help from the RNC in the recent legislative and local elections, so the RNC did not engage with the Virginia Republican losses on Tuesday. Ronna Romney McDaniel made these claims in the Spin Room following a GOP presidential debate in Miami, Florida this election cycle. (WATCH THE STUNNING VIDEO AT THE 48:48 MARK in Reporter Larry O’Connor’s Spin Room stream on X RIGHT HERE).

Virginia Republicans failed to capture the state senate and they also lost the House of Delegates in a staggering set of losses in the Commonwealth local elections on Tuesday. Ronna McDaniel was previously known as Ronna Romney because she is Utah senator Mitt Romney’s niece.

Larry O’Connor, a host on WMAL Radio in Washington, D.C., questioned Ronna McDaniel in the Spin Room for his Townhall stream. O’Connor asked Ronna about the Virginia losses.

“You know the RNC’s not a state committee. We’re a federal committee. Right? Your candidates can take unlimited state dollars and your governor can take unlimited state dollars and he actually said, ‘We don’t need you guys here,’” Ronna McDaniel said, referring to Virginia Republican governor Glenn Youngkin.

Larry O’Connor did an excellent reporting job. O’Connor followed up with: “I just want to clarify one quick thing, though. The RNC had no involvement in these elections in Virginia, per Governor Youngkin’s request?”

“We were told in the summer they didn’t need us, that they had all the money and they were good. So, that was a conversation,” Ronna McDaniel said.

Ronna McDaniel also complained about Virginia Republicans not standing up enough to push back against ads targeting them on the issue of abortion.

O’Connor asked Ronna for her take on presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy’s call for Ronna to resign from the chairwomanship of the Republican National Committee.

“Listen, I’m going to focus on Joe Biden…This Republican-on-Republican vitriol and in-fighting is not good for our party. I’m not running for president. I’m here trying to win for our party. He just lost a vote. He lost my son’s vote, I’ll tell you that much. But I will say this: The voters don’t want to see this,” Ronna McDaniel complained.

Ronna Romney AKA Ronna McDaniel lost the Republican-on-Republican power struggle. That’s what happens when you betray the people!