Bill Maher On Biden: ‘You Could Switch Him Out At The Convention…They Make It Up As They Go Along Anyway. It’s Politics’

Last Updated on March 27, 2024

Talk show host Bill Maher proposed that Democrats could replace Joe Biden as their nominee at the Democratic National Convention and anoint a different nominee who did not win the primaries. Maher made these comments on an episode of his HBO show Real Time with Bill Maher, which featured liberal longtime sportscaster Bob Costas.

Biden is weaker than ever as America gets sick and tired of his mentally vacant ramblings and with the rapid decline of the American mainland in the age of mass illegal immigration.

“And I guess the question now is, is it too late? And I don’t think it is because I still think you can do it at the convention. And people have said to me, ‘Oh, that’s ridiculous, they’ll look like…They’ll look like nothing. Nobody gives a f— what you do at the convention. They’d be thrilled if they did it the day before the election. You could switch him out at the convention. And he could say, well, look, I’ve had a health issue or whatever…,” Maher said.

Costas agreed that Democrats still have time to change candidates and show Biden the door before the general election.

“They make it up as they go along anyway. It’s politics,” Maher said.