Hunter Biden Seen Preparing For Joe Biden’s Lavish New York City Fundraiser

Last Updated on March 28, 2024

Disgraced gadfly Hunter Biden was identified getting ready for his father Joe Biden’s tacky fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall in New York City on Thursday night with various celebrities. Joe Biden is nosediving in public approval as his various slapstick episodes, mental blunders, and unprecedented corruption scandals derail the Democrat Party.

Hunter Biden has massive questions to answer about his various business dealings around the world, and his financial connections to Ukraine and Communist China. While the press has tried to play Hunter off as an everyday black sheep relative in the vein of Jimmy Carter’s underachieving (though entrepreneurial) beer-selling brother Billy Carter or Bill Clinton’s wayward half-brother Roger Clinton.

But the reality is that Hunter and Joe were integrally involved in business operations together that undermined the national security and sovereignty of the United States of America. When Hunter was seen touching his nose area on the White House balcony at America’s Fourth of July festivities, it wasn’t just embarrassing for the country, it was especially horrifying knowing how much power Hunter Biden of all people has inside the White House.

Politico‘s West Wing playbook reported:

ALL-STAR THURSDAY: President Biden is in New York City tonight for his star-studded fundraising extravaganza at Radio City Music Hall, which our ELENA SCHNEIDER reports will raise $25 million for his reelection bid.

Biden spent much of the day hanging with his old boss, President BARACK OBAMA, who traveled with him from D.C. on Air Force One. The two were later joined at the president’s hotel by former President BILL CLINTON to tape an interview with the “SmartLess” podcast, the White House said. It’s Biden’s second appearance on the popular show. (Has a podcast episode ever gone 6 hours???)

Pool reporters traveling with the president spotted HUNTER BIDEN hanging around the hotel in the afternoon. He said he was looking forward to this evening’s big event.

Hunter Biden’s baggage, as it connects to Joe Biden’s overwhelming baggage, is dragging down the Democrat ticket and helping President Donald Trump to establish himself as the clear frontrunner in the race.

Biden’s son Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca Partners partnered in Bohai Harvest RST, a new investment firm backed by the Chinese government, in 2013 within two weeks of Hunter accompanying father Joe on an official state trip. On that trip, Joe met with son Hunter and Jonathan Li, who became Bohai Harvest RST’s CEO. These facts were unearthed in The New York Post by Peter Schweizer and Jacob McLeod. Hunter’s reported investment in Bohai Harvest RST is under fire from progressive journalist Lee Fang, who noted that Bohai invested in technology used by the Chinese government to carry out surveillance on Muslims.

Bohai Harvest RST invested in the China General Nuclear Power Company (CGN). That company represents potentially the biggest political landmine for any presidential candidate in modern history, considering that the U.S. Justice Department charged CGN in April 2016 on an espionage charge in 2016, alleging conspiracy to unlawfully engage and participate in the production and development of special nuclear material outside the United States which could cause “significant damage to our national security,” according to a press release from the Senate Finance Committee chaired by Sen. Chuck Grassley.

In an April 14, 2016 DOJ press release, Assistant Attorney General John P. Carlin stated, “Allen Ho, at the direction of a Chinese state-owned nuclear power company allegedly approached and enlisted U.S. based nuclear experts to provide integral assistance in developing and producing special nuclear material in China. Ho did so without registering with the Department of Justice as an agent of a foreign nation or authorization from the U.S. Department of Energy.  Prosecuting those who seek to evade U.S. law by attaining sensitive nuclear technology for foreign nations is a top priority for the National Security Division.”

In 2017, Allen Ho was sentenced to 24 months in prison, according to a DOJ press release.

In August 2019, Republican Senate Finance Committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley sounded the alarm about Bohai Harvest RST buying an American automotive technology company that had “reported military applications,” according to the Finance Committee press release.

“For example, one of the companies involved in the Henniges transaction was a billion dollar private investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). BHR was formed in November of 2013 by a merger between the Chinese-government linked firm, Bohai Capital, and a company named Rosemont Seneca Partners. Rosemont Seneca was reportedly formed in 2009 by Hunter Biden, the son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, Chris Heinz, the stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry, and others,” Sen. Chuck Grassley stated.