This article was written by Swedish independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen, also known as PeterSweden. You can follow him at
Farmers are now protesting for fairer wages. No farmers = No food.
As you will have heard if you follow my reporting, there has been massive farmers protests all over Europe. I recently reported from Germany where the farmers were protesting.
Now the Norwegian farmers are protesting as well, and I met with them.
In fact, there was a tractor convoy on the E6 motorway and I managed to catch up with them for an interview – And I got some videos and photos as well.
As far as I’m aware, I’m the only journalist that went to this protest and got videos, so please share widely!
They were driving a tractor convoy on the motorway in very slow speed to make their point.
One tractor had a homemade banner saying “Our food – Increase self reliance”.
In other words, NO FARMERS = NO FOOD.
So what is happening is that small farms are having to shut down because they cannot live on the wages they are getting, and it ends up being converted into large farms instead.
Meanwhile, in the Netherlands, the state talked about essentially SEIZING 3000 farms to meet new 2030 emissions goals…
Farmers are facing huge costs. For example, new requirements for animal welfare requires one farmer to invest over $700.000 in a new barn. He won’t be able to afford this and risks going out of business.
The farmers are hard working people. They rise early and go to bed late. They work hard to provide us with good food. Without farmers, people will starve so it is essential to support them.
The farmer I spoke with told me that a large group of farmers were heading down to the capitol of Oslo to protest outside parliament, but not everyone could take part as they had animals to take care of.
The farmers have set up empty fridges outside parliament with signs saying “No farmer, no food, just empty fridges”.
Farmers have several things they want to ensure fair wages for their work. The average yearly wage corresponded to almost $45.000 for a farmer. This is not a lot.
I’m seeing reports that farmers are struggling financially to pay their bills.
People are being forced away from a career as a farmer because they don’t get enough paid for it.
Please share this article if you stand with the farmer!
Independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen has dedicated years to reporting the things the mainstream media ignores. You can follow him at
The post Peter Sweden: FARMERS PROTEST- Norwegian Tractor Convoy appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.