EXCLUSIVE: Top Rand Paul Strategist Says The House Made The World War 3 Funding Package Impossible To Filibuster

Last Updated on April 20, 2024

Doug Stafford, the top strategist for Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s political operation, told NATIONAL FILE that Paul cannot filibuster in the Senate against the $95 billion World War 3 spending package that Mike Johnson’s House of Representatives passed on Saturday.

“Can’t filibuster it’s a privileged motion from House, non debatable, non amendable,” Doug Stafford, the chief strategist of RANDPAC and Paul’s former chief of staff, told NATIONAL FILE.

Peace activists have been scrambling to stop the World War 3 package that funds the warmongering nations of Ukraine and Israel in addition to Gaza and Taiwan. Mike Johnson, who acts like he is on a biblical mission to stand with Zionist Israel, plunged America even deeper into the Swamp with the $95 billion travesty, which will rapidly inflame tensions around the wartorn world. Of course, the spending package does nothing to stop the invasion at the U.S. southern border.

Mike Johnson has been plotting to pass World War 3 funding ever since he got the gavel and his warmongering friends dropped the sickle and hammer on all of us.

Famously, Matt Gaetz stood with a handful of colleagues and ousted crooked former speaker Kevin McCarthy, prompting 22 days of awesome chaos in which Neocon Dan Crenshaw kicked National File publisher Noel Fritsch on Capitol Hill and various establishment Swamp puppets got defeated.

However, a conservative effort to get Jim Jordan into the speakership narrowly failed. Mike Johnson swooped in and got the job after Donald Trump and even Matt Gaetz sadly supported him. Maybe now, Gaetz is realizing that the victory lap he took on Steve Bannon’s limited-hangout podcast was premature. As we expected, Mike Johnson will go down in history as an enemy of humanity, and another worthless puppet for the war machine.

“Ms. Boebert could do better,” Matt Gaetz said, referring to his conservative colleague Lauren Boebert’s ability to do a better job as Speaker of the House than Mike Johnson.

But is it too late now to stop World War 3? Marjorie Taylor Greene has introduced a motion to vacate to oust Mike Johnson from the speakership.

However, Gaetz continues to refuse to join the motion to vacate, claiming it might help the Democrats get a speaker. But surely World War 3 cannot be allowed to happen under Republican Johnson and his coalition of establishment RINO’s and Democrats. What can be done NOW??!!!