Black Athletic Director Creates AI Racist Rant to Incriminate White Principal

Last Updated on April 26, 2024

A former high school athletic director at a Baltimore high school was arrested Thursday after allegedly using AI to incriminate the school’s principal with racist and antisemitic comments.

CBS News reported that a 31-year-old black man, Dhazon Darien, formerly of Pikesville High School, is facing a plethora of charges, including stalking, theft, disruption of school operations and retaliation against a witness.

According to investigators, Darien faked the voice of principal Eric Eiswert, a White man, in clips that circulated on social media at the beginning of the year. Baltimore County State’s Attorney’s Office concluded the imposter to be Darien based upon the mentioning of his nickname DJ in the audio file.

Police and AI experts believe the audio clip was simulated, which included antagonistic remarks towards black students and the neighboring Jewish community, reported CBS News. Darien attempted to flee via a flight to Houston but was arrested before boarding. At the time, he was carrying a firearm.

CBS News elaborated on the “race-based commentary,” saying Darien mimicked the principal into making charging statements about black students not being able to “test their way out of a paper bag.” The former high school athletic director also included statements about Jews who “should never have been hired at the school.” It was allegedly depicted as a conversation between Eiswert and one of the assistant principals. The clip ultimately went viral on social media platforms, resulting in parents responding and Eiswert being put on temporary leave.

According to the charging documents, Eiswert told police he thought the audio was AI fabricated and Darien was responsible. CBS News stated Darien was “technologically savvy,” and Eiswert “believed he was familiar with AI.” He also mentioned that Darien’s contract was not to be renewed due to performance issues and misuse of school funds.

Police claimed Darien had access to the school’s network and was looking for OpenAI tools. Police found a paid OpenAI account under his name. The FBI analyzed the clips and found them to contain AI-generated content, according to the charging documents. Experts from two universities, including UC Berkley, concluded the same — AI manipulation.

Many fell for the hoax, including Black Lives Matter activist Deray McKesson, who said on X that Eiswert should be fired immediately and lose his administrator licenses.

Baltimore County Schools Superintendent Dr. Myriam Rogers told CBS News, “We are incredibly proud of the students and staff and how they stepped up to support one another … This has been a very difficult time for Pikesville High School community, principal Eiswert and his family, and team BCPS.” She agreed with the arrest of Darien and recommended termination.

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Darien was ultimately released on $5,000 bond. Baltimore County’s State Attorney Scott Shellenberger told the Post Millennial that this case was a first-of-its-kind and that things have changed to the point where we must “take a broader look at how this technology can be used and abused to harm other people.”

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