THEY KNEW! FBI Knew for 8 Years Hunter Biden and His Associates Scored $120 Million Deal With Ukrainian Energy Company…But Kept It Hidden

Hunter Biden with Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky who thought he was stupid.

John Soloman of Just The News has just dropped a bombshell report about how the FBI knew about Hunter Biden and his partner’s plan to establish a new business in tax-friendly Liechtenstein in 2016, using a stunning $120 million in funding they obtained from the controversial owner of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings. The details of the transaction, which took place while Joe Biden was Barack Obama’s vice president, were hidden from the American public for eight years.

Just The News reports – The mega-deal was not referenced inside Hunter Biden’s now infamous laptop or during the 2019 impeachment proceedings involving Ukraine but was instead chronicled in a trove of 3.39 million documents the FBI seized from Hunter Biden and his business partners during an investigation of securities fraud nearly a decade ago.

Nearly 200 documents among the evidence gathered by the FBI in 2016 mentioned Burnham Energy Security LLC (BESL), almost all of them referencing Hunter Biden or his role at the parent firm Burnham Asset Management (BAM).

The joint venture envisioned establishing an entity in the small European country of Liechtenstein. It is unclear exactly why, however, the country does boast significant tax benefits, including no capital gains taxes.

The partners may have also wished to obscure the direct relationship with Burisma owner Zlochevsky. At the time, the oligarch’s public reputation had taken hits after his assets were frozen in the United Kingdom beginning in 2014. After Ukrainian authorities refused to cooperate with the British probe and Zlochevsky’s accounts were unfrozen, a Ukrainian deputy prosecutor came forward to allege the Burisma owner had bribed the Ukrainian authorities.

What Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were up to is clearer, however, based on the testimony of an ex-partner and emails obtained from the laptop. Galanis testified that he worked with Archer and Biden to build the Burnham group into a global, multibillion-dollar hedge fund marrying foreign investors with the “globally known political name” Biden.

The plan focused on building global cooperation between prominent investors from all continents, including deals with high-powered oligarchs from Russia and Kazakhstan, Chinese government-linked businessmen, and politically connected Mexican tycoons, among others, Just the News previously reported.

At the time this discovery was made by the FBI, Donald J. Trump was running against not just Hillary but the entire Obama-Biden machine. Joe Biden, who was in charge of Ukraine policy for the United States at the time, campaigned for Hillary, while the FBI allegedly had this information that could’ve further damaged then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign, which was already riddled with controversy related to the discovery of her private server. Much like the GBI Strategies investigation, however, the results of the Hunter Biden investigation were never released to the public.

Then-VP Joe Biden campaigning with Hillary Clinton in 2016

Former FBI Director James Comey reportedly played a significant role in ensuring that Hillary Clinton did not face charges during the 2016 presidential race against Trump. Additionally, it is believed that he was involved with the Deep State in their attempts to undermine President Trumpaign. It is unfortunate that the commendable efforts of many upstanding individuals within the FBI are being overshadowed by corrupt individuals within our intelligence agencies, whose partisan efforts to destroy conservatives appeared to ramp up during Barack Obama’s presidency.



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