CNN Lays Out ‘Mute Button’ Rules for Trump-Biden Debate

Last Updated on June 27, 2024

On Wednesday, CNN laid out its rules for the “mute button” to be used in the first presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden.

The left-wing outlet aired its demonstration in prep for Thursday night’s presidential debate. The 2020 debates were marred with insults and repeated talk-overs, making it seem almost like a circus ring. The rambunctious politics of yesterday — or rather the past decade or so — have prepared CNN to mitigate such abuse so that a proper debate can occur in Atlanta.

Muting can be helpful to the American people but can also show bias from the hosting network. According to The Hill, CNN “will mute the microphones of candidates when it is not their turn to speak.” Anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will be “empowered to use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion.”

The Trump campaign has already accused CNN of bias that will manifest in treating Biden more favorably. Nonetheless, Trump has no alternatives, unlike Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, who won’t even have the chance to appeal to voters in this debate.

On Wednesday, the segment aired, previewing how the debate and the “mute button” would function. CNN anchor Phil Mattingly said, “Candidates will have two minutes to answer questions and one minute for responses and rebuttals. At the moderators’ discretion, there may be an additional minute for follow-ups, clarifications, or responses.”

Mattingly added that the cameras would have timing lights, too.

When the lights show yellow, there are 15 seconds left in the candidate’s answer or response. When the lights flash red, there are five seconds left, and when the display is solid red, the time is up. At that point, the candidate’s microphone will be turned off and the other candidate will have their microphone turned on.

On each of the candidates’ podiums are lights that will light up green when it is their “designated” turn to speak. Both campaigns have been provided the demonstration on Wednesday with a signing note by Mattingly that “by agreeing to participate in this debate, both campaigns and candidates have also agreed to abide by these rules.”

According to The Hill, the debate will be 90 minutes with two commercial breaks. Campaign staff are prohibited from interacting with their candidate during the break.

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This will be round one of two scheduled debates between Trump and Biden. The second is set to air on ABC in September.

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