Tedros Must Face Reality

We must first address the reasons why international public health is now about profit and centralization,…

Central Banks Are Destroying Our Economies

Government interventions through central banks are the most destructive and yet the least understood by most…

Gold Glistens as US Devalues Cash

Financial assets are reflecting the evidence of currency destruction. As the US devalues and burns through cash at a record-setting…

Yes, The Constitution Is Dead

“The constitution was designed so power wouldn’t become too concentrated. That way, the government would never…

BREAKING VIDEO: AI Takes Control of US Gas Pumps

Alex Jones discovers a gas pump that enforces a fueling limit of $74 because of 'carbon…

WATCH: Princeton Students Block Memorial Day Parade

Watch & share this mega-viral footage! Now-viral footage out of Princeton, New Jersey, shows students disrupting…

AI’s Disruptive Effect on Traditional Assets

AI has unprecedented power to influence the prices of currency and stocks, and by connection, the…

The Consequences of California’s New Minimum Wage Law

The unintended costs of this well-meaning legislation will be borne by residents of low-income California neighborhoods,…

Peter Schiff: Silver Has New Support at $30

"“The traders who are selling gold and silver still don’t understand why the prices are rising…

The Pandemic Treaty Will Compound Past Mistakes

Prudent national, provincial, and community public health leaders everywhere should welcome a decision to scrap the…

Turkish Illegal Crosses Border, Immediately Raises Alarm Over Lack of Security

You'll have to watch this to believe it. A Turkish illegal has raised the alarm over…

The Unifying Principle: Here’s Why The Political Divisions In The US Today Cannot Be Mended

A lot of moderates are finally waking up to the horrors of the collectivist movements in…

Alex Jones: Frog In The Pot Rant

Watch & share! Alex Jones delivers a powerful message using the increasingly relevant analogy of The…

Industrial Policy Is Back—and It’s a Gigantic Mistake

The return of industrial policy means a renaissance of the symbiosis between the state and capital…

‘Unified Reich’ Hoax One Of The Most Blatantly Dishonest Attacks On Trump Yet

Even the White House leapt headlong into the propaganda blitz. With a brand new set of polls showing…