Could California Gas Car Ban Happen at the Federal Level? Buttigieg Wants It to Happen ‘Quickly’

Late last month, California’s Air Resources Board approved a regulation that will ban the sale of…

Dem Staffer Reveals Congress’s Well-Kept Secret – Recurring Issue Plaguing Nadler

At 75 years old, longtime New York Rep. Jerry Nadler, a Democrat, is far from being…

Chinese State Media Trumpets AOC Quote Bashing America

During a Wednesday House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing on gun violence, Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria…

Lawmaker Calls for Full Investigation Into Collusion Between Big Tech, Mainstream Media and Democrats

“So, let’s get back to the name-calling,” said “journalist” Leslie Stahl in an interview with then-President…

Finnish Lawmaker Facing Criminal Charges After Posting Picture of the Bible

A breathtaking assault on religious freedom is currently playing out in a Finnish courtroom. Member of…

Merck Anti-COVID Pill Will Not Be Added To India’s National Treatment Protocol

One of India’s top health officials made major news last week with an announcement about safety…

CNN, C-SPAN Scrub Rumored Babbitt Shooter’s Name from Transcript of House Sergeant at Arms Testimony

Freelance reporter Tayler Hansen was at the Capitol building covering the action as it unfolded on…

Poll: 70% of Black Americans Support the Job Their Local Police Are Doing

A CBS News/YouGov poll released on Sunday found that 70 percent of black Americans believe their…