The Start of the Unraveling of the Trump Mar A Lago Raid

Donald Trump is having a very good week, notwithstanding the flood of negative stories from the…

Is the U.S. Losing Control of Iraq? Protesters Ransack Presidential Palace

Protesters outside the presidential palace on Monday.   Our old “friend” Muqtada al Sadr aka Mookie…

Videos of the Ground War In Ukraine–Ukraine Attacks Thwarted

Seeing is believing. The following videos provide graphic evidence of the one-sided fight that is taking…

The Lawless FBI–A Threat to America’s Constitutional Republic

When it comes to attention span, America is like a three year old child. Public attention…

Without Air Supremacy Ukraine Is Unable to Push Russia Out of the Country – Currently Russia Flies Unchallenged

Folks love combat air. Just look at the crowds flocking to see the latest Top Gun.…

What Is Going On In Ukraine – Intel Ploy or Real Threat?

It is times like this that I wish I was sitting in front of my Top…

U.S. Embassy Kiev Warns All US Citizens to Flee Ukraine

That’s right. After 6 months of war between Ukraine and Russia, the U.S. Embassy is now…

Bill Maher Really Nails It–Hollywoods’ Insufferable Hypocrisy

Wow. Maher has done some outstanding comedic commentaries over the years, but one of his latest…

A Deadly Glimpse of Russia’s Bombardment of Ukrainian Troops

This is not a good time to be a Ukrainian soldier on the frontlines facing off…

My Last Dance With Brian Stelter

Good bye Mr. Potato Head aka Brian Stelter. Seems that will be his legacy after 9…

What Is Going On With Ukraine and its War Strategy?

The gulf between what Ukraine thinks it is achieving vis-a-vis its defeat of the Russian invasion…

The End of the Cheney Dynasty – Farewell Liz “Lincoln” Cheney

The neo-con crowd got a much overdue mega punch (or should I say, MAGA) in the…

Is Joe Biden Facilitating America’s Demise?

After 8 years of arming and training Ukraine’s army and air force, spending billions of tax…

Missing the Mark on the Russia Situation

The ignorance displayed in the United States under the guise of educated opinion is astonishing. The…

Understanding Why the Deep State Is Terrified of Trump’s Documents

Let me start by suggesting you read the excellent, comprehensive analysis by Sundance at The Conservative…