Mariupol’s Final Ukrainian Chapter, Russia Writes New book

The surrender of the last of the militant Azov “soldiers” who were hiding in the bowels…

The Scene from Philadelphia – While Our Leaders Send Billions to Ukraine (VIDEO)

This video was shot on Kennsington Avenue in Philadelphia and posted back in August 2021. It…

The Art of Disinformation–Western Lies About the War in Ukraine

If you want to know how the war is going in Ukraine, you only needed to…

China and Mexican Drug Cartels Helped Murder 339,849 Americans and Most Politcians Do Not Care

The numbers are stark and terrible–339,849 Americans (mostly under 50 years old) died from a drug…

Concerning Videos, Images and Words from the Ukrainian Front

There are a collection of videos, images and words scattered around various social media channels that…

Why America Fails to Commemorate Victory over the Nazis While Russia Still Celebrates

Russia’s Victory Day Parade 2022 Russia is still celebrating their victory over Nazi Germany.  May 9…

UKRAINE UPDATE: CIA Ineptitude, Russian Cauldrons and the Ukrainian Mafia

When someone is telling you how important he or she is, it is a pretty good…

Amazing! Watch This Black Man and Pro-Lifer Confront Protesting Pro-Abortion Doctors and Medical Personnel on Black Lives Matter (VIDEO)

If Black Lives really Mattered, the black community would rise up and destroy Planned Parenthood. Why?…

The Russian Timeline Critique in the Ukraine

A common theme marshaled to “prove” that Russia is failing in its war with Ukraine is…

Did You Know that Putin Has Cancer?

Yeah, me neither. But the intrepid NY Post says so, so it must be true. Right?…

More from Jacques Baud on the Nature of the War in Ukraine

Jacques Baud Jacques Baud is a man worthy of your attention. He is a retired Swiss…

Neo-Nazis Fighting For Ukraine are Real And Other Updates

Many in the United States have tried to downplay or ignore the fact that the Ukrainian…

Russia Ratchets Up the Pressure – Cuts Off Gas Pipeline to Poland

Western military leaders are doing a poor job of hiding their growing consternation about the progress…

Is Russia’s Army a Paper Tiger?

As Andrei Martyanov has frequently and correctly noted, the U.S. Army and its legacy officers are…

RT Interviews Larry Johnson On Ukraine

RT sent an email and asked to interview me on the situation in Ukraine. I consented.…