Why We Need Free Markets To Fight Pandemics

The free market price system allows for the rapid and intensive reallocation of resources that is…

The Global Economy Won’t Bounce Back Soon

It is very likely that the shutdown of major developed economies will be followed by a…

Even When They’re Wrong, We Can Learn From Understanding Others’ Theories

Learning the history of economic thought is important not because every economist has been right, but…

The Fed Is a One-Trick Pony

Printing up paper money—which is the Fed's solution to nearly everything— will not bring about a…

Financialization: Why the Financial Sector Now Rules the Global Economy

It has arisen from of an economy that is increasingly focused on the financial sector at the…

Money Supply Growth Climbs to 37-Month High

The money-supply metric is following the usual pattern that precedes a recession and economic crisis

Could the Coronavirus Be Fatal for the EU?

As the nation-states take the brunt of their economic collapses on the chin, they will begin…

Politicians Are Calling for Lots of “Bold” Plans

Watch Out!

Mexico’s Leftist Leader Is Turning Out To Be a Disaster

The last sixteen months of López Obrador's administration have been a show of incompetence, yet people…

Why Medicare for All Would Require Huge Tax Increases

The plan mostly just increases demand without increasing supply

California Heads toward Disaster with Yet Another Rent Control Ballot Measure

As Mises warned us, “intervention begets more intervention.”

Why Deflation Can Be a Good Thing

If central banks had left the system alone, such a deflation would be very gradual and…

Is the Fed Ready for a Recession?

By being so dovish for so long, the Fed has greatly limited what it can do…

Coronavirus: Central Banks Stand Ready with More “Stimulus”

There are echoes of the 1973 oil shock in the current virus scare and resulting economic…

“Political Anarchy” Is How the West Got Rich

Why did Europe go from a poor backwater to an economic and technological powerhouse? A major…