In August, Money Supply Growth Hit a Record High for the Fifth Month in a Row

During August 2020, year-over-year (YOY) growth in the money supply was at 37.56 percent. That's up…

Military Generals Are Just Another Group of Self-Interested Technocrats

In recent decades, active generals and retired generals have grown into a group of politically influential technocrats who…

From 9/11 to Covid-19: Nineteen Years of Permanent “Emergency”

Whether we're commanded to trust the expert, abandon the rule of law, or venerate government for…

The Evidence Keeps Piling up: Lockdowns Don’t Work

Extraordinary measures require extraordinary evidence. Have the advocates for lockdowns made their case? The data suggests…

It’s Not “Just Property”: How Looting Destroys Lives and Low-Income Neighborhoods

Advocates for looting are now claiming that looting doesn't really hurt anybody but evil corporations. In…

As Kenosha and Minneapolis Burn, Millions of Americans Buy Guns

The foundational assumption behind the gun control narrative is that only government law enforcement agencies should…

America’s Private Militias of the Nineteenth Century

In the nineteenth century, countless American cities and towns sanctioned local, self-funded, self-governing private militias that…

In July, Money Supply Growth Hit a New High for the Fourth Month in a Row

During July 2020, year-over-year (YOY) growth in the money supply was at 36.9 percent

How Slavery Reparations Turn Into Just Another Welfare Program

Over time, the demand for reparations has evolved from a demand to compensate specific victims to…

When Reparations for Slavery Become Just Another Welfare Program

Politicians using calls for reparations to pour more money into social programs

Why Chicago’s Mayor Blames Her City’s Murders on Wisconsin and Indiana

Although it's easier to buy guns in Indiana and Wisconsin than in Chicago, homicide rates are…

The COVID Panic Is a Lesson in Using Statistics to Get Your Way in Politics

As with most government interventions, the public is only interested in the easily seen "benefits" of…

Still Searching for That V-Shaped Recovery

Tax revenue declined again in June, and new jobless claims increased by more than a million…

Money Supply Growth in May Again Surges to an All-Time High

Money supply growth can often be a helpful measure of economic activity

How the Left Uses “Public Health Crises” to Get What It Wants

"Public health crisis" is essentially a left-wing stock phrase at this point, as is reflected by…