Did (Classical) Liberalism Fail? If It Had, Things Would Be Much Worse Than They Are

The Left continues to attack classical liberalism (although they now call it "neoliberalism") precisely because its…

The COVID Panic Canceled Many Graduation Speeches. Thank Goodness

The era of bloated higher ed budgets, when millions are spent every year for grand, pompous…

Three Ways Law Enforcement Must Be Reformed Right Now

The proliferation of laws designed to target nonviolent people for petty offenses (most commonly drug offenses)…

Minneapolis Riots Are Reminder That Police Don’t Protect You Or Your Property

We hear again and again the myth that law enforcement agencies will provide protection, retrieve stolen…

What the Failed 55-MPH Speed Limit Law Tells Us about COVID Lockdowns

Americans were once harangued by government "experts" about the need to slow down on highways in…

Why Didn’t the 1958 and 1918 Pandemics Destroy the Economy? Hint: It’s the Lockdowns

Leaving aside the fact there's no evidence lockdowns actually work, we can nonetheless look to past…

Do Lockdowns Work? Mounting Evidence Says No

Most of the world's regimes enthusiastically destroyed their economies and consigned millions to destitution (and a…

Past Pandemics Show The Lockdowns—Not the Virus—Caused Our Economic Chaos

Past experience shows that although pandemics do weaken economic growth, the current economic disaster is the…

The School Closures Are a Big Threat to the Power of Public Schools

For many parents, the ongoing closure of public schools will just reinforce growing suspicions that public…

Police Are Complicit in Politicians’ Disregard for the Rule of Law

Police have long shown a preference for enforcing petty laws against petty offenders. After all, real…

When Governments Switched Their Story from “Flatten the Curve” to “Lockdown Until Vaccine”

At some point in early April, the official narrative switched form "don't let hospitals get overwhelmed"…

Unemployment Kills: The Longer Lockdowns Last, the Worse It Will Get

Thirty million Americans are now unemployed, in part thanks to government "lockdowns." Meanwhile, unemployment in many…

New York vs Texas: NY Has Nearly 50 Times More COVID-19 Deaths Per Capita

The real question we should be asking ourselves is why is New York is such a…

Money Supply Growth Surges to 92-Month High

During March 2020, year-over-year (YOY) growth in the money supply was at 11.37 percent. We're now…

The Experts Have No Idea How Many COVID-19 Cases There Are

Worst of all, this make-things-up-as-you-go attitude toward COVID-19 numbers is being draped in the mantle of…