“We Rig The Game”: Facebook Whistleblower Reveals Bias Against Conservatives In Latest Veritas Exposé

'Trump supporters are f*cking crazy *ss *ssholes.'

Wal-Mart Bans Mississippi State Flag As Another “Confederate Symbol”

'We’ve made the decision to remove the Mississippi state flag from display.'

“A Safe Space To Practice Aggression”: Veritas Infiltrates Antifa ‘Fight Club’ In NYC

Antifa fight instructor Chris describes how best to injure an opponent.

The CDC Slashed The COVID-19 Fatality Rate To A Fraction Of Earlier Estimate Used To Justify Lockdowns

The lockdown crowd destroyed the lives of millions.

CNBC Scandal: Watch As Raging Screamfest Erupts Between Kernen, Sorkin Over Coronavirus

'All you did was try to help your friend the president.'

French Intelligence Warned Of ‘Catastrophic Leak’ From Wuhan Lab

In 2004, the EU's chief brexit negotiator, Michael Barnier, ignored those warnings.

“Like It Was Designed To Infect Humans”: COVID-19 ‘Cell Culture’ Theory Gains Steam

Findings allow for the possibility that COVID-19 leaked from a laboratory.

Obama’s Ambassador To Beijing Compares Trump To Hitler On Chinese TV

'Joe McCarthy [and] Adolf Hitler…rallied people up, making people believe things that were really not true.'

Facebook Buys Giphy For $400 Million As Tech Giant Pledges To Banish All “Hateful Memes”

The company admits that it continues to struggle to meet the left's unrealistically high standards for…

Database Of Wuhan’s ‘Batwoman’ Altered 48 Hours Before COVID-19 Samples Ordered Destroyed

Most of the changes were to delete the keywords “wildlife” or “wild animals.”

A Fifth Of Wendy’s Restaurants Said To Be Out Of Beef As Shortage Spreads

Rolling meat shortages are now underway in the US. We warned several weeks ago that this would…

Leftists Fume As Michael Moore Turns On Fraudulent “Green” Movement In Latest Movie

Have environmentalists fallen for a “green” illusion?

Bronx ER Doctor Explains Why Reopening The Economy Now Might Actually Save Lives

It is precisely what I have witnessed that now tells me that it’s time to ease…


‘I have worked in this exact laboratory at various times for the past 2 years’ ZeroHedge – APRIL…

Facebook ‘Fact Checker’ Worked At Wuhan Biolab; Ruled Out Virus-Leak While ‘Debunking’ Articles

'I have worked in this exact laboratory at various times for the past 2 years.'