Part 3: Full Scope of Dominion ICX Hack in Federal Court is FAR Worse than Just the BIC Pen Hack

  Thus far in this series from The Gateway Pundit, Dr. The post Part 3: Full…

A Special “Thank You”: Far Left “Democracy Docket” Points Out Stellar Conservatives in the 2022 Mid-terms — Plus: Extensive List of Election Fraud Evidence

Far left “Democracy Docket” website recently published a piece documenting “election deniers” on the ballot in…

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: New Evidence Suggests Konnech’s Eugene Yu was at the Very Least Affiliated with China’s Largest Election Firm with Direct Ties to US Cities

Two weeks ago, The New York Times published an article highlighting “election deniers” targeting a “tiny…

President Trump Releases Memo to J6 Un Select Committee titled “PEACEFULLY AND PATRIOTICALLY”

Yesterday, The Gateway Pundit reported that the J6 Unselect Committee, comprised of partisan “hacks and thugs,”…

Citizen Investigators Find BOMBSHELL Fabricated Documents. Submitted to Georgia State Elections Board

A majority of Americans are experiencing distrust in our elections in the United States according to…

ICYMI: Georgia County Using Dominion Machines Adds Vote Between Nov 3 Count and Machine Recount

For those of us that are concerned with election integrity, “Human Error”, “technical glitch”, “the problem…

HUGE! Computer Expert Jeff Lenberg: “The Biggest Smoking Gun That Exists Anywhere In All Of This [Elections]”

Yesterday, the Conservative Daily podcast hosted Jeff Lenberg to discuss the 2020 election.  Mr. Lenberg was…

A Private Entity (EI-ISAC) Provides Security for Elections and Then Manages “Misinformation” for the Same Entities on Behalf of the Federal Government

On February 4th, 2021, at 5:40am, TIME Magazine published one of the most significant stories of…