Is the Justice Department Even Following Its Own Policy in Cybercrime Prosecution of a Journalist?

By Andrew Crocker Following an FBI raid of his home last year, the freelance journalist Tim…

Victory: Utah Supreme Court Upholds Right to Refuse to Tell Cops Your Passcode

By Andrew Crocker Last week, the Utah Supreme Court ruled that prosecutors violated a defendant’s Fifth…

Colorado Supreme Court Upholds Keyword Search Warrant

By Jennifer Lynch and Andrew Crocker Today, the Colorado Supreme Court became the first state supreme…

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Has Made a Mockery of the Constitutional Right to Privacy

By Andrew Crocker The latest evidence that Section 702 of the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act (FISA)…

The STOP CSAM Act Would Put Security and Free Speech at Risk

By Mario Trujillo, by Andrew Crocker, by Sophia Cope A new U.S. Senate bill introduced this…

Appeals Court Upholds Restriction on Twitter’s First Amendment Right to Publish National Security Transparency Report

By Andrew Crocker A ruling from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals earlier this week marks…

EFF Files Amicus Brief Challenging Orange County, CA’s Controversial DNA Collection Program

By Jennifer Lynch, Saira Hussain, and Andrew Crocker Should the government be allowed to collect your…

Police Can’t Demand You Reveal Your Phone Passcode and Then Tell a Jury You Refused

By Andrew Crocker The Utah Supreme Court is the latest stop in EFF’s roving campaign to…

EFF to Ninth Circuit: Don’t Grant Immunity to Notorious Spyware Company

By Sophia Cope and Andrew Crocker EFF filed a brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals…

Clearview’s Faceprinting is Not Sheltered from Biometric Privacy Litigation by the First Amendment

By Adam Schwartz and Andrew Crocker Clearview AI extracts faceprints from billions of people, without their…

Maine Broadband Privacy Law Passes Early First Amendment Test

By Adam Schwartz, Andrew Crocker, and Kit Walsh When you send an email or browse the…

The Senate’s New Anti-Encryption Bill Is Even Worse Than EARN IT, and That’s Saying Something

By Andrew Crocker Right now, we rely on secure technologies like never before—to cope with the…

Victory: Indiana Supreme Court Rules that Police Can’t Force Smartphone User to Unlock Her Phone

By Andrew Crocker In courts across the country, EFF has been arguing that the police cannot…

Yes, Section 215 Expired. Now What?

By India McKinney and Andrew Crocker On March 15, 2020, Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act—a…

Governments Haven’t Shown Location Surveillance Would Help Contain COVID-19

By Adam Schwartz and Andrew Crocker Governments around the world are demanding new dragnet location surveillance…