5G Opponents in Bermuda Ask Gov’t to Stop Using Outdated and Insufficient RF Guidelines from the FCC and ICNIRP

By B.N. Frank Last year 5G opposition in Bermuda led to a temporary moratorium on deployment. …

Environmental and Health Groups Oppose 5G in Bermuda — Deployment Temporarily Halted

By B.N. Frank High-speed internet is achievable, safer and more secure with a wired internet connection…

Bermuda Halts 5G Deployment and Opens Inquiry into Safety of FCC Radiation Limits

By B.N. Frank High-speed internet is achievable, safer and more secure with a wired internet connection…

Bermuda Issues Temporary Moratorium on 5G Deployment

By B.N. Frank Opposition to 5G is getting attention everywhere – even recently in a Dilbert…

Bermuda Petition to Block 5G Has 3200 Signatures

By B.N. Frank Cities AS WELL AS entire countries have taken action to ban, delay, halt,…