The Safety Net

“We don’t want to turn the safety net into a hammock that lulls able-bodied people into…

Leaked Twitter Chat Shows Employees Saying ‘We Successfully Deplatformed Trump’ As They Consider Deplatforming Conservative Watchdog LibsofTikTok

On Monday, a leaked thread of messages from Twitter’s employees revealed their consideration of de-platforming a…

Jim Jordan Alleges The FBI Is Purging Agents With Conservative Views Related To January 6

According to House Judiciary Committee Republicans, multiple former FBI officials have suggested the bureau is “purging”…

Feds Seize Family’s Assets Without Issuing a Single Charge, All Because of Amazon’s Claims Against the Dad

The life-changing experience of one Seattle, Washington, family is shining light on a practice being abused…

Biden’s Infrastructure Bill Would Not Have Fixed Pittsburgh Bridge That Collapsed

During his trip to Pennsylvania on Friday, President Joe Biden vowed to fix “all” the bridges…

Company Debuts Vaccine Passport That Can Be Implanted Inside Your Body – Video

A video posted last week showing how a microchip can be implanted containing a person’s COVID-19…

The Fourth Branch Of Government

Every breath you take, Every move you make, They’ll be watching you.. It’s bad enough that…

Government The Taker

What Government can give, Government can take away “Give us more, boy” The Big Government Taker…

Secede Or Die

The first editorial cartoon published in America was said to be penned by Benjamin Franklin himself.…

Obama’s Solar System Sized Ego

Buy My BOOK OR YOU’RE A racist! Meet Barack Obama. He is addicted to basking in…

The Real Looters

We’ve seen plenty of looting during the ‘peaceful protests,’ but the looters we saw on TV…