Can Biotechnology Control Human Behavior?

By Guy Hatchard Every so often you find a study that breaks new ground and advances…

Scientists create programmable artificial cells that mimic living cells

By John Anderer In a milestone that blurs the line between the natural and synthetic worlds,…

Got GMO Synthetic Milk?

By Maryam Henein No antibiotics, no hormones. Just dairy. A new completely lactose-free dairy. Dairy without…

The AnthraX Chronicles — Part 4 Hero In The Morning, Bio-Terrorist By Night

By Maryam Henein Over the next couple of weeks, I will release a six-part series on…

“I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This” — Mysterious Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered In Remote California City

By Tyler Durden Why would a bio-lab run by a shady Chinese company be operating in…

Transgenesis of Man

By Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath Transgenesis – the uncontrolled transfer of foreign DNA into the germline of…

“Bold Goals”: Biden’s EO Will Have Us Bioengineering Everything

By Marie Hawthorne In September 2022, President Biden released an Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology. Then,…

Mexico Battles U.S. Government and “Mr. Monsanto” to Protect Food Sovereignty

By Derrick Broze Despite legal threats from the U.S. government, Mexico’s government plans to go forward…

Disbelief as “Green King” Gives Royal Assent to New Gene Breeding Technology

By Julian Rose In one of the more shocking hypocrisies of this year so far, Charles…

Biden Has Handed America Over To The Biodefense Cartel

By Patrick Wood On the heels of Biden’s September 12th Executive Order titled The National Biotechnology…

The Biden Administration Embraces Technocracy with Promise of $2 Billion in Funding for the “BioEconomy”

By Derrick Broze The Biden Administration’s recent Executive Order has made headlines lately, but this is…

Humanity 2.0: “The Fusion Of Our Physical, Digital, And Biological Identities”

Technocrats invent because they can, not because they have a mandate to do so. Transhumans are…

Rustam Gilfanov: Boundaries of Genetic Modification — Breakthroughs, Achievements, Failures, and Limits

By Rustam Gilfanov Every year, genetic modifications find new areas of application, one way or another.…

China’s Advances in Biotech and A.I. include “trying to develop brain interfaces for weapons” Says Policy Expert

By B.N. Frank Research into brain-interface technology is not new.  Researchers have been using animals to…

Company Says 1st Stage of U.S. GMO Mosquito Project a “Success” despite Results NOT Being Independently Confirmed or Peer-reviewed

By B.N. Frank American opposition to controversial GMO mosquitoes being released in their communities is not…