Anti-Globalism Is Going Mainstream – Which Means Engineered Disaster Is About To Strike

By Brandon Smith I have noted in the past that criminals tend to brag about their…

Escalation: Recent Events Suggest Mounting Economic Danger

By Brandon Smith A common refrain from people who are critical of alternative economists is that…

Europe Is Facing Energy Disaster And It’s Going To Bleed Over Into The US

By Brandon Smith Though the situation is ever changing, currently the Russian government has announced an…

Understanding The Tyrannical Mind And How It Operates

Op-Ed by Brandon Smith All people seek to control their environment to a certain degree. They…

Supply Chain Problems Will Persist Because The System Is Being Sabotaged

By Brandon Smith In a recent interview with Bloomberg, the executive vice president of UPS asserted…

What Is The “Council For Inclusive Capitalism?” It’s The New World Order

By Brandon Smith The idea that there is an agenda for global government among the financial…

The Engineered Stagflationary Collapse Has Arrived – Here’s What Happens Next

By Brandon Smith In my 16 years as an alternative economist and political writer I have…

Inflation Will Price Many Americans Out Of Housing and Into Homelessness

By Brandon Smith One of the most detrimental aspects of an inflationary or stagflationary crisis is…

The Fed Is Taking The Punch Bowl Away – But The Inflation Crisis Will Continue To Grow

By Brandon Smith Four years ago the overall sentiment among most alternative and mainstream economists was…

Economic World War: Who Benefits And How Much Time Is Left?

By Brandon Smith I have been warning about an inevitable East vs. West economic war for…

Food Shortages In Six Months – The Globalists Are Telling Us What Happens Next

By Brandon Smith In mid-2007 the Bank for International Settlements (The central bank of central banks)…

Basic Solutions To Our Economic Problems That Establishment Elites Won’t Allow

Op-Ed by Brandon Smith I think one of the great misconceptions about economic crises is that…

The Media Is Ignoring These Two Events Which Could Cause Economic Collapse

By Brandon Smith Way back in 2014 I wrote an article titled False East/West Paradigm Hides…

What Is The “Great Reset” And What Do The Globalists Actually Want?

By Brandon Smith I first heard the phrase “Great Reset” way back in 2014. Christine Lagarde,…

The Stagflation Trap Will Lead To Universal Basic Income And Food Rationing

Op-Ed by Brandon Smith This past week during a conference discussing Biden’s “Build Back Better” scheme…