Power Is An Illusion, Control Is A Facade

By Brandon Smith This past year in numerous countries the public is being bombarded with lessons…

America’s Economy Cannot Survive Another Lockdown, And The Cult Of The Reset Knows It

By Brandon Smith The U.S. economy has been on the verge of collapse for at least…

There Is A Solution To Big Tech Censorship — But No Politician Will Touch it

Op-Ed by Brandon Smith The issue of censorship by major tech companies is a precarious one,…

Does The Coronavirus Make Our Constitutional Freedom Of Assembly Obsolete?

By Brandon Smith Over the past couple of weeks a trend has become apparent in the…

Economic War With China Is The Final Step Before The “Great Reset”

By Brandon Smith With the pandemic dominating the news cycle, the general public has been completely…

The Global Police State Is Swiftly Rising

By Brandon Smith There is always an excuse for the enforcement of totalitarian restrictions on the…

The Economy Continues To Unravel Despite All Stimulus Measures

By Brandon Smith Since the pandemic lockdowns were first implemented in the US I have been…

The Totalitarian Future Globalists Want For The Entire World Is Being Revealed

By Brandon Smith All over the Western world ever since 9/11 there have been incremental steps…

Brandon Smith: Sock Puppet Conservatives Are Welcoming Tyranny

By The Conscious Resistance Join us as Derrick Broze talks with activist and researcher Brandon Smith…

Lockdown Restrictions Are A Test To See How Much Tyranny Americans Will Accept

By Brandon Smith The pandemic lockdowns are a complicated issue, and that is absolutely deliberate. The…

Martial Law Is Unacceptable Regardless Of The Circumstances

Op-Ed by Brandon Smith Back in 2014, hundreds if not thousands of conservatives and liberty movement…

The Delusion Of A Seamless Reopening Is About To Be Obliterated

Op-Ed by Brandon Smith During the first wave of pandemic lockdowns, America became a rather surreal…

The Purge: The Natural Progression Of “Woke” Censorship Is Tyranny

Op-Ed by Brandon Smith As I have noted in the past, in order to be a…

Globalists Reveal That The “Great Economic Reset” Is Coming In 2021

By Brandon Smith For those not familiar with the phrase “global economic reset”, it is one…

The Economic “Reopening” Is A Fake Out

By Brandon Smith How does one define an economic “reopening”? I think most people would say…