Lincoln Project Funneled $45 Million To Companies Owned By Its Founders

A group of high-profile never-Trumpers known as The Lincoln Project has come under scrutiny, not only…

Maxine Waters Funneled Over $1 Million In Campaign Funds To Her Daughter, So Far

Waters’ daughter pocketed a cool $240,000 during the 2020 General Election cycle alone

Schumer’s Dark Money Group Spending Skyrocketed by 825% in 2020 Election Cycle

Even as he and his cohort House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-NY), feign outrage at dark money…

FBI Believed Hillary Clinton – Not Donald Trump – Was Receiving Help From Foreign Influences In 2016, Memos Reveal

Comey slow-walked a FISA warrant that most likely would have found the Clinton campaign accepted foreign…