Capitalism, Not Socialism, Makes Us Richer and Freer

      “The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but…

Javier Milei Austrian Economist, Champion of Anti-Globalism

Argentina’s president, Javier Milei, is disliked by liberal globalists due to the threat he poses to…

Socialist Policies: Steps Toward a System That Has Always Failed

A country’s slide into socialism/communism begins with socialist policies. The post Socialist Policies: Steps Toward a…

Cultural Marxism and the Evolution of Social Justice Politics: How the Left Played the Political Long Game

By Shane Fudge The role of Karl Marx in encouraging the emancipation of the working class…

After Years of Food Shortages, Blackouts, Civil Unrest, Venezuela Flirts With Chinese-Style ‘Capitalism’

Maduro seeks to privatize parts of his failed economy in a move toward a ‘public-private’ solution…

SHUT IT DOWN: Robinhood, Trading Apps Stop Sellers Buying GameStop, AMC, Other “Meme” Stocks

Trading apps and exchanges have stopped people buying “meme” stocks like GameStop and AMC, only allowing…

AOC Gets Mocked For Condemning Capitalism While Running Successful Online Store

If Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez hasn’t been proven an elitist fraud yet, her latest move seals the deal

WATCH: Whole Foods CEO Says Socialism Is ‘Trickle Up Poverty,’ Doomed to Fail

In an unexpected turn of events, the CEO of Whole Foods, long considered a darling of…