World’s Oldest Central Bank Seeking $7 Billion Bailout After Massive Bond Losses

By Tyler Durden Two weeks ago we reminded the world that thanks to soaring interest rates,…

3 Ways To Survive “The Great Taking”

By Nick Giambruno, International Man It’s a “scheme of central bankers to subjugate humanity by taking…

New Admission from the BIS That Central Banks Play in the Gold Market

By Chris Powell While central bank trading is a primary determinant of the price of gold…

Technocracy’s Control Matrix Starts And Stops With BIS, Central Banks

In my book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, the chapter “Who Is Driving This…

Global Central Banks Are Badly Losing Their War Against Food Inflation

By Michael Snyder Even though central banks all over the world have been raising interest rates…

It Was Central Banks That Rigged The 2008 Lehman Brothers Crisis

In my book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, Chapter 9, “Who’s Driving This Train,”…

Central Banks Join Rank-and-File Villagers in Exiting the Dollar

By Jon Forrest Little Let’s look around. With 99.9% certainty, I am confident that I have…

Central Banks Launch Digital Currencies – Perfect Technocratic Control

By Ice Age Farmer Every central bank in the world is rushing to launch a digital…

Fiat Money Economies Are Built on Lies

By Thorsten Polleit Now and then, it pays to take a step back to get a…

Are You Prepared For Imminent US Digital Dollar?

By Neenah Payne All Americans know everything costs a LOT more than it used to. However,…

50 Richest Americans Now Worth More Than Poorest 165 Million

By Tyler Durden If readers want more evidence that the current economic system is rigged against…

The Circle Is Complete: Bank of Japan Joins Fed And ECB In Preparing Rollout Of Digital Currency

By Tyler Durden First it was the Fed, then the ECB, and now the BOJ: the…

ECB Trademarks “Digital Euro” As It Begins Experiments On Digital Currency Launch

By Tyler Durden As the world obsesses over Trump’s taxes or whether or not he is…

Bank for International Settlements Creates “Innovation Hubs” To Plot The “Future Of Money”

The BIS Innovation Hubs are a global network to develop and launch Fintech solutions for the…

How Central Banks Destroy Money’s Purchasing Power

By Frank Shostak Most economists hold that a growing economy requires a growing money stock on grounds…