Is This The Beginning Of A New Historical Cycle?

By Neenah Payne The steps toward globalization began in the 20th century with the establishment of…

Young People Turn To Collectivism Because Of These Psychological Disparities

Op-Ed by Brandon Smith Are Americans changing with the times, are the times changing with Americans,…

The Ukraine Famine of 1933 was a Government-Made Disaster

By Vincent Geloso Since the 19th century, global nutrition levels have increased and malnutrition is on…

Is This the End, or Rebirth, of America?

Op-Ed by Laraine Abbey-Katzev We are now witnessing what could be the end of America as…

No Privacy, No Property: The World in 2030 According to the WEF

By Antony P. Mueller The World Economic Forum (WEF) was founded fifty years ago. It has…

Which Path Will Humanity Choose Now?

By Neenah Payne Americans in particular, humanity as a whole, and each of us as individuals…

The Dystopian “Fourth Industrial Revolution” Will Be Very Different from the First One

By Antony P. Mueller If one takes the publications of the World Economic Forum (WEF) as…

G. Edward Griffin Describes The Endgame

By Jason Bermas If anyone knows how we arrived at our current state of affairs it…

The Rise of World Socialism

By Dustin Broadbery Throughout the modern era’s magic bullet conspiracy, aka the dubious public health emergency…