Millions of Children are Abducted and Trafficked Each Year, the “Sound of Freedom” Movie Exposes the Epidemic

By Dan Fournier Introduction Recently, a lot is being written and said on the subject of…

How NATO is Committing Cyber Warfare Against the Global Masses

By Dan Fournier In a previous article – which was republished in ActivistPost, and The Burning…

Canada’s Dangerous Escalation in the Russia-Ukraine War is Based on Lies and Deception

Op-Ed by Dan Fournier Key Takeaways: Canada has been deceptively manipulated into supporting the Russia-Ukraine War…

Ten Inconvenient Truths about Ukraine Largely Ignored by the MSM

By Dan Fournier Introduction There is no doubt, war is ugly. Atrocities are committed by all…

EXPOSÉ: Canadian Residents & Businesses are about to be Carbon-Taxed into Oblivion

Op-Ed by Dan Fournier Key Takeaways: The Climate Change narrative is, for the most part, an…

Why Society Needs Conspiracy Theories & Conspiracy Theorists

Op-Ed by Dan Fournier “So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed…