UFOs Go Mainstream

By David Haggith If we want another social disrupter in this “Year of Chaos,” the full…

AI is Rapidly Taking over Humanity

By David Haggith We are sliding rapidly into dystopia even before the global holocaust predicted in…

Is the FedNow Broke?

By David Haggith Recently several major banks were unable for days to process hundreds of thousands…

The BRICS Dollar Debacle

By David Haggith My latest Deeper Dive dug into China’s failing commercial real-estate market, as well…

Cashless Society Talk Goes Mainstream in a Hurry and Should Be Trusted Like the NSA

By David Haggith We’re on the brink of a dramatic change where we’re about to —…

While Inflation and Fear of the Fed Buried Markets, Deeper Troubles Will Soon be Revealed

By David Haggith Monday’s financial news was filled with fantasies about how Tuesday’s CPI report would…

Economic Predictions for H2 2022, Part 5: The Everything Bubble Bursts into Pieces

By David Haggith To many economists, saying we are going into an economic crash would be…

Welcome to the World of Bankster Magic Where We Shall Have “Weather Followed by More of the Same Unless it Changes.”

By David Haggith At the start of the year he said we were entering the “strongest…

An Apocalypse Upon Us: How Much More Can We Take?

By David Haggith Trade wars, crashing stocks, bond blowouts, global recessions, rapidly plunging corporate earnings, the…

Seeing It All Come Together: Months of Predictions Closing in on Quick Economic Collapse

By David Haggith Sometimes weeks happen in a day, and we seem to be living in…

Epocalypse Revisited: The Recurring Nightmare of Economic Collapse

By David Haggith In 2015, I wrote about The Great Recession 2.0 that was coming upon…

Inflation Flying in Hotter than Ever!

By David Haggith All those economists who went along with the Fed’s inflation-is-temporary-and-going-per-plan narrative are stunned…

CASHLESS SOCIETY 2020: Coronavirus Swings Society to “Touch Free” Digital ID and Digital Currency

By David Haggith Many people are warming up to the idea of digital currency in a…