Austria Announces Emergency Blackout Measures That Include Food Rations

By Mac Slavo In the event of a massive power outage, Austria will hand out emergency…

Your Window Of Opportunity To Get Prepared Before The Catastrophic Events Of 2023 Is Rapidly Closing

By Michael Snyder I don’t know how I could say it any more clearly.  At this…

Tried-and-True Tips for Surviving a Turbulent Economy

By Fabian Ommar After my articles about Brazil’s battle against inflation during the 1980s went live…

“Phone Hasn’t Stopped Ringing” — The World’s Ultra Rich Are Panic Buying Doomsday Bunkers

By Tyler Durden Russian President Vladimir Putin’s move to place his nuclear forces on heightened alert as…

In The Event of A Cyberattack Should We All Meet Here?

By Aden Tate Recently, what I believe to be an incredibly original idea has been floating…

How to Get Accurate Information After SHTF

By J.G. Martinez If this mess of the past two years has taught me anything, it’s…

How to Eat a Pine Tree – Learn About Food Forests on “Solutions Watch” with James Corbett

By James Corbett Michael Hoffman of Food Forest Montana joins us today to introduce us to…

The State Now Owns Your Car – And Your House? — Bugging Out and Emergency Preparedness

By Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen Because of “the Russian threat to neighbor states”, the Norwegian army recently…

Find Your People. Build Your Tribe.

By Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen Feudalism 2.0 is here. Segregation. Taking away our freedom. Now we must…

Foraging With “Wildman” Steve Brill and Violet

By Neenah Payne Foraging May be the Health Skill You Are Missing — “Wildman” Steve Brill…

The American Third World: We’ll Soon Be Living in It

By Fabian Ommar It’s that time of the year, and instead of following tradition and making…

CEO of Large Doomsday Bunker Builder Says The Global Elite “Fear A Rebellion is Brewing”

By Mac Slavo According to the CEO of one of the world’s largest doomsday bunker builders…

A Child of the Apocalypse

By J.G. Martinez I have watched my child’s evolution. I have seen him grow and learn.…

Here’s How 30 Preppers Have Adapted and What They Foresee Happening Next

By Daisy Luther There’s a lot more crazy and a lot less money than usual, and…

Lessons from a Winter Power Outage in the Suburbs

By Joanna Miller My family and I experienced a five-and-a-half-day power outage in Texas almost precisely…