By B.N. Frank In 2021, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. legislators took steps to…
Tag: EPA
U.S. Solicitor General Advises Supreme Court to Deny Bayer’s Request in re Roundup Lawsuits
By B.N. Frank Bayer continues to get an “A” for effort in trying to avoid compensating…
Common Chemicals in Cleaners, Foods, Makeup, Plastics, Soaps, and Shampoos Linked to Obesity; Kids More Vulnerable
By B.N. Frank Toxic chemicals are becoming more difficult if not impossible to completely avoid (see…
Company Says 1st Stage of U.S. GMO Mosquito Project a “Success” despite Results NOT Being Independently Confirmed or Peer-reviewed
By B.N. Frank American opposition to controversial GMO mosquitoes being released in their communities is not…
Despite Public Health Experts’ Warnings and Opposition, EPA Approves Experimental Release of Billions More Genetically Modified Mosquitoes
By B.N. Frank American opposition to controversial genetically modified mosquitoes being released in their communities is…
Despite Being Banned in Europe, EPA to Approve Toxic Pesticides that Paralyze Bees, Butterflies, and Other Insects
By B.N. Frank The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a long history of NOT protecting the…
EPA Says Glyphosate and Other Herbicides “are likely to harm more than 1,600 protected plant and animal species”
By B.N. Frank The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a long history of not protecting the…
320+ Toxic Substances Detected in U.S. Drinking Water Systems Since 2019; “legal limits were set based on outdated science”
By B.N. Frank Alarming revelations about the American water supply are nothing new. In fact, last…
New Book on Common Synthetic Chemicals’ Role in Asthma, Brain Health, Cancer, Diabetes, Digestion, and More
By B.N. Frank Toxic synthetic chemicals are difficult if not impossible to completely avoid (see 1,…
Farm Workers at Risk: Research Shows That Exposure to Paraquat Is Linked to Parkinson’s Disease
By Miguel Leyva Around the world, many countries have banned paraquat, but the U.S. has not…
EPA Suppressed Report Linking Controversial Weedkiller Ingredient to Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
By B.N. Frank Earlier this year, a judge denied Bayer-Monsanto the ability to avoid legal liability…
Bills Introduced to Set Deadlines and Provide Resources for Cleanup of “Forever Chemicals” (PFAS) at U.S. Military Facilities
By B.N. Frank In May the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was heavily criticized for replacing old…
EPA Office Announces 3 Actions to Protect Public from Toxic “Forever Chemicals” (aka PFAS)
By B.N. Frank Last month the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was lambasted for replacing old “forever…
US Military Ordered “Clandestine Burning” of Toxic Chemicals in Poor Neighborhoods: Study
By Kenny Stancil New research conducted by environmental justice scholars at Vermont’s Bennington College reveals that…
Flea Collars Linked to Thousands of Pet Deaths and Injuries to Pets AND Humans — EPA Still Won’t Warn Public
By B.N. Frank If we can’t depend on the EPA to warn the public about something…