“What we find is most of the parts we want to install come from China”
Tag: EPA
Erin Brockovich Blasts Joe Biden’s Pick for EPA Transition Board, a Former DuPont Consultant
By B.N. Frank Last year, actor/producer/activist Mark Ruffalo released the film, Dark Waters about DuPont dumping…
EPA Sued for Weakening Standards for Power Plants That Dump Toxic Wastewater in Lakes and Rivers
By B.N. Frank The EPA recently approved using radioactive waste in road construction. As if that…
EPA Approves Radioactive Waste Product in Road Construction. Using It to De-Ice Roads Wasn’t Bad Enough?
By B.N. Frank Much to the dismay of environmentalists and residents, some states are already using…
EPA Was Defunded from Reviewing Research Proving Harm from Cell Phone Radiation, WiFi, Other EMFs 20 Years Ago
By B.N. Frank Decades ago, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was responsible for alerting Americans to…
Judge Says Feds Can Be Sued for Flint Water Crisis; Shames EPA for Not Taking Protective Action Sooner
By B.N. Frank What happened in Flint, MI is a tragic reminder that all Americans are…
1984 EPA Report Reveals Major Health Hazards from Exposure to Cell Phone and WiFi Radiation
By B.N. Frank There was a time when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was supposed to…
#FluorideTrial: Ruling Delayed As Judge Asks Defense and Plaintiffs to Discuss New Evidence
By Derrick Broze, The Last American Vagabond The historic trial examining the dangers of water fluoridation…
EPA Suspends Enforcement of Environmental Laws Indefinitely Due to Coronavirus
By B.N. Frank Does this mean we will all need more than paper masks and water…