Despite Low Poll Numbers, Ron DeSantis Officially Files to Run for President

  Ron DeSantis for President officially filed FEC paperwork declaring Ron DeSantis a candidate for the…

Shaun King Accused Of Spending $40K From PAC Donations To Purchase Dog

Last Updated on August 2, 2022 Black Lives Matter activist and Democrat Shaun King reportedly siphoned…

Cori Bush Spent $390K Of Campaign Funds On Private Security Despite Calling For Defunding Of Police

Last Updated on July 18, 2022 U.S. Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) has spent nearly $400,000 of…

U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush Used Campaign Funds to Pay His Wife and Son

Last Updated on June 26, 2022 U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) has paid roughly $56,000 from…

EXCLUSIVE: Black Rifle Coffee CEO Hafer NEVER Donated to Trump, Gave Maximum to Loeffler and Perdue After 2020 Election

Evan Hafer, CEO and co-founder of Black Rifle Coffee, never donated to President Trump, with his…

BUSTED: Black Rifle Coffee Magazine’s Editor Donated To Biden, High Profile Employees Gave To Democrats

Black Rifle Coffee has a number of high profile employees who donated to Democrats, including their…

Former Arizona GOP Chair Scammed $400k from Elderly Mass. Woman, Left Party Finances a ‘Mess’

Robert Graham, the former Arizona GOP chair who is attacking top Trump ally Kelli Ward, was…

Biden Campaign Received $145 Million In ‘Dark Money’ That Can’t Be Traced

Although campaigning against big money in politics while on the campaign trail, before he was elected,…

FBI Believed Hillary Clinton – Not Donald Trump – Was Receiving Help From Foreign Influences In 2016, Memos Reveal

Comey slow-walked a FISA warrant that most likely would have found the Clinton campaign accepted foreign…

Sen. Hawley Calls On FEC To Investigate Twitter, Facebook For Illegal In-Kind Contributions To Biden

The post Sen. Hawley Calls On FEC To Investigate Twitter, Facebook For Illegal In-Kind Contributions To…