TRUMP: Democrats Are Fighting Georgia Audit Because ‘They Know The Vote Was Corrupt’

President Donald Trump issued a statement on Friday night slamming Democrats in Georgia for pushing back…

ARIZONA: State Senator Wendy Rogers Reports From Maricopa Audit Floor, Says Results Could Be ‘Legally Actionable’

Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers toured the floor of the Maricopa County forensic audit on Thursday,…

EXCLUSIVE: Congressman Mike Kelly Talks Pennsylvania Election Audit

"I think an audit here in Pennsylvania is really necessary and a great idea"

ARIZONA: White Powder Sent to Senate President Fann, Who Organized The Forensic Audit

A letter filled with suspicious “white powder” was sent to Arizona Senate President Karen Fann’s office…

BREAKING: Maricopa County ‘Will Not Be Responding to Any More Requests’ Regarding Audit, Openly Invites Legal Action

Chairman Jack Sellers attacked the forensic audit as a "scam"

ARIZONA: Ward Slams Biden’s Department of Justice Interference in Maricopa County Forensic Audit

The audit is "under what is probably the most serious assault by the Democrats to date,"…

ARIZONA: Former Secretary of State Speaks at Maricopa Audit Press Conference, Reveals Audit on Track for Completion Date

Ken Bennett, the former Arizona Secretary of State, spoke at a press conference on Tuesday, revealing…

Trump Demands National Guard in Arizona as Legal Action Continues Against Maricopa Audit

President Trump has demanded that either Arizona state police or the National Guard are sent out…

‘THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DID’: Trump Slams Democrats for Last Minute Attempt to Stop Maricopa Audit

President Trump has slammed the efforts of Arizona Democrats to try and stop the forensic audit…

BREAKING: Maricopa County Audit WILL Continue After Arizona Democrats Refuse To Pay $1 Million Bond

The forensic audit of over 2 million ballots from Maricopa County will continue unabated, after Arizona…

BREAKING: Arizona Judge Orders Temporary Halt to Maricopa Forensic Audit After Democrat Lawsuit

An Arizona judge has ordered a temporary halt to the Maricopa County forensic audit, if Democrats…

ARIZONA: Judge Rules Maricopa County Must Hand Over Ballots and Voting Equipment to State Senate for Audit

In a victory for election integrity, a judge has ruled that Maricopa County must hand over…

ARIZONA: Maricopa County Libertarian Party Launches Election Integrity Lawsuit Against Board of Supervisors

In the latest in Arizona election integrity updates, the Maricopa Libertarian Party is suing the county’s…

CONFUSION: Arizona GOP Was Told They Could Finally Audit 2020 Ballots, Then Maricopa County Declared ‘Negotiations Continue’

After the Arizona Senate announced it had reached a deal with Maricopa County over a forensic…

WHAT?!: Michigan’s Sec. of State Secured Court Order Redacting Evidence of Vote-Flipping

Michigan Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson (D), won a court ruling that ordered the redaction of…