The Abstract episode 36 “CHEMTRAILS Brought to You by the CIA?”

By Peter A. Kirby The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) appears to be the overall, day-to-day manager…

The Abstract episode 35 “Rockefellers Covering the Earth with CHEMTRAILS?”

By Peter A. Kirby In large part, the history of the Rockefeller family is the history…

The Abstract episode 34 “CHEMTRAILS: A Bush Family Business?”

By Peter A. Kirby Besides their bosses the Rockefellers (whom we will cover next week), there…

The Development of the New Manhattan Chemtrail Project & the Sarah Westall Show

By Peter A. Kirby Sarah Westall was good enough to have me on her show again…

The Abstract episode 32 “Why coal fly ash?”

By Peter A. Kirby Once we understand that we are being sprayed, the most obvious question…

San Francisco & Chemtrails Anyone? Peter Kirby does the Kerry Cassidy/Project Camelot

By Activist Post Our resident chemtrail expert Peter Kirby recently appeared on Kerry Cassidy’s Project Camelot.…

The Abstract episode 31 “Chemtrails are REAL: The Hard Evidence”

By Peter A. Kirby Believe it or not, the majority of the population remains unaware that…

The Abstract episode 30 “Why is nobody else talking about the MITRE Corporation?”

By Peter A. Kirby Many participants in our noble anti-geoengineering movement appear to be confused as…

The Abstract episode 30 “8 States BANNING CHEMTRAILS”

By Peter A. Kirby It appears that the issue of chemtrails and geoengineering is finally starting…

The Abstract episode 28 “SAVE OUR SKIES: The Legal Update with Reinette Senum”

By Peter A. Kirby There is an important anti-geoengineering legal movement afoot. It is being spearheaded…

Secretive Experiment To Shoot Aerosols Into The Sky Over San Francisco To Increase Cloud Cover

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson Via A secretive project conducted from the deck of an…

Remember What The Sky Used To Look Like?

There is One who dwells above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like…

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The Dimming’ (2021)

By 21st Century Wire Global weather engineering operations are a reality. Atmospheric particle testing conducted by…

Back to the Future: Peter Kirby Does the Sarah Westall Show

By Activist Post Activist Post’s Peter A. Kirby sat down with Sarah Westall of Business Game…

US and European Commission Call for “International Framework” to Advance Geoengineering Research

By Derrick Broze Late on Friday, the White House released a report outlining the Biden Administration’s…