What Really Happened at the WHO?

By James Roguski The Pandemic Treaty was NOT defeated. Negotiations will resume on July 17-18, 2024.…

The Amendments to the IHR have been adopted

By James Roguski The 77th World Health Assembly HAS adopted a substantial package of amendments to…

Evil Negotiating Tactics

By James Roguski The negotiations for the “Pandemic Treaty” are on the verge of failing miserably.…

Secret Negotiations

By James Roguski The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body will be meeting from February 19 to March 1,…

An Open Letter To World Leaders About Amendments to the International Health Regulations — James Roguski

By James Roguski Amendments to the International Health Regulations were adopted at the 75th World Health…

Action Item: Ask Alternative Media to Report on the Secret WHO Negotiations

By James Roguski Please help me to contact all of the media sources listed below in…

Biological Armageddon As The Patriot Act Tries To Go Global

By The Radical Independent Special guests James Roguski and Janet Phelan provide valuable information about the…