AI: Why Installing “Robot Judges” in Courtrooms is a Really Bad Idea

By Rónán Kennedy, University of Galway Science fiction’s visions of the future include many versions of…

Victory! New Jersey Court Rules Police Must Give Defendant the Facial Recognition Algorithms Used to Identify Him

By Karen Gullo In a victory for transparency in police use of facial recognition, a New…

US Refuses To Release Over 8,000 Hours Of Jan. 6 Security Footage: Court Filing

By Tyler Durden The Biden DOJ is refusing to release over 8,000 hours of US Capitol…

Template for a Transformation of Human Society

Op-Ed by Julian Rose There are many thousands of groups that have formed themselves around the…

AI is Already Being Used in the Legal System — We Need to Pay More Attention to How We Use It

By Morgiane Noel, Trinity College Dublin Artificial intelligence (AI) has become such a part of our…

Judge Dread? Artificial Intelligence Harsher Than Humans When People Break The Rules

By Study Finds You might think a computer would be an unbiased and fair judge, but…

Innocent Man Freed from Prison After Being Wrongly Convicted And the City Refuses to Give Him a Dime

By Jake Pearson and Mike Hayes As members of the New York City Council convened last…

Federal Courts Fail to Protect Liberty

By Michael Boldin If they can violate your rights and get away with it – because…

“Records? What Records?”

By Janet Phelan Some serious allegations of judicial misconduct have been launched against several members of…

Smartphone App Using AI Acts Like a Robot Lawyer — Tells Defendants What to Say in Court

By Study Finds A smartphone app that can tell a defendant what to say in court…

Innocence Doesn’t Matter When the Government Wants to Steal Your Money

By Joe Seyton There’s a fault line permeating America’s criminal justice system—a built-in defect that the…

The Federal Court System is Dangerous to the Constitution and Liberty

By Michael Boldin Many opponents of the Constitution – and some supporters – warned us about…

Exposing Systematic Judicial Corruption and How to Stop It

By Truth Talk News Attorney Richard Fine, Robert Gettinger of and investigative journalist Janet Phelan…

Groundbreaking Legislation Proposed to Address Judicial Corruption in California

By Janet Phelan A piece of legislation, revolutionary in its implications, has been drafted and is…

America’s Incarceration Problem

By Emily Thompson America has an incarceration problem and some experts believe it begins at the…