Organization Sues FDA for Failing to Protect Public from Biologically and Environmentally Harmful LED Lights

By B.N. Frank LED technology has been controversial from the jump and for numerous reasons.  Some…

29 U.S. Communities Committed to Reducing Light Pollution, Receive Dark Sky Certification; Will More Follow?

By B.N. Frank Some experts insist that LED light bulbs aren’t necessarily more energy efficient that…

LED Light Bulbs “are not more efficient in a meaningful economic sense”

By B.N. Frank LED light bulbs emit blue light which is biologically and environmentally harmful (see…

Urban Birds’ Eyes Are Shrinking; “larger eyes are more prone to being blinded by the glare of city lights or experiencing sleep issues.”

By B.N. Frank Last month, the Biden Administration banned the sale of safer and more affordable…

Bye-Bye Birdies: 2 Backyard Bird Species May Become Extinct Because of Outdoor LED Lights

By B.N. Frank Studies have already revealed that blue light from LED light bulbs and other…

Safer Light Bulbs Officially Banned in the U.S.

By B.N. Frank Studies have already determined that blue light from LED light bulbs and other…

Researchers Reveal How Power LEDs “designed to indicate when a device is turned on” Can Be Exploited by Hackers

By B.N. Frank If you were looking for more reasons to loathe LED lights (biological and…

Lecturers Describe How Technology Affects Our Sleep and Not in a Good Way

By B.N. Frank Ridiculously enough, companies continue to create and market electronic and wireless devices for…

Biden Admin Ban on Safer, Less Expensive Light Bulbs “will particularly impact lower-income Americans”

By B.N. Frank Studies continue to reveal that blue light from LED light bulbs and other…

More Research Reveals Harmful Effects of Blue Light Exposure from LED Lights

By B.N. Frank Numerous studies have determined that blue light from LED light bulbs and other…

Defective LED Streetlight Bulbs Being Replaced in Over a Dozen U.S. Cities

By B.N. Frank Numerous studies have already determined that exposure to blue light from LED light…

Artificial Light from Porch Lights, Smartphones “disorient monarch butterflies — making their internal GPS system go haywire” (Study)

By B.N. Frank Research has already determined that artificial light (aka “blue light”) from screens as…

U.S. Will Require Manufacturers to Sell Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs Despite Their Biological and Environmental Risks

By B.N. Frank Research has already determined that “energy-efficient” LED light bulbs are biologically and environmentally…

$3.16B in New Funding for U.S. Weatherization Assistance Program Includes Installing Harmful LED Lights in Low-Income Homes

By B.N. Frank Research has already determined that “energy-efficient” LED light bulbs are biologically and environmentally…

State Lawmakers Commit Funds to Remove Illness-Causing Lights from Schools, Create New Standards to Protect Students

By B.N. Frank The good news is that current toxic leaking fluorescent lights are finally being…