New Documents Reveal the Extent of Federal Location Surveillance

By Michael Maharrey The Department of Homeland Security has collected reams of location data from a…

Feds Accessing Location Data from Millions of People Through Private Brokers

By Michael Maharrey Big Brother is tracking your location with the help of private data brokers.…

Supreme Court Effectively Grants Absolute Immunity to Federal Cops

By Michael Maharrey The Supreme Court let stand two appellate court opinions that in effect give…

Supreme Court Refuses to Limit Warrantless Surveillance

By Michael Maharrey According to the Supreme Court, the legality of NSA mass surveillance can’t even…

Signed as Law: Arizona Prohibits Warrantless Access to Prescription Databases

By Michael Maharrey Last week, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signed a bill into law that will…

Supreme Court Makes It Even Harder to Sue Abusive Federal Agents

By Michael Maharrey In another fail for liberty, a recent Supreme Court decision effectively expanded qualified…

Signed as Law: Colorado Limits Government Use of Facial Recognition

By Mike Maharrey Last week, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed a bill that places some limits…

Austin Texas Voters Decriminalize Marijuana and Ban No-Knock Warrants

By Michael Maharrey AUSTIN, Texas (May 16, 2022) – Austin voters overwhelmingly approved a ballot measure…

The TSA: Centralized Government in a Nutshell

By Michael Maharrey I loathe the TSA. It’s dehumanizing. And it’s a glaring example of what…

Now in Effect: Utah Law Expands Limits on Drone Surveillance

By Michael Maharrey SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (May 4, 2022) – Today, a Utah law that…

What Happened When New Mexico Ended Civil Asset Forfeiture?

By Michael Maharrey In 2015, New Mexico scrapped its civil asset forfeiture laws and replaced them…

Private ALPR Companies Turn Local Cops Into Data Collectors for the Feds

By Michael Maharrey Local police departments using automatic license plate readers (ALPRs) in conjunction with Vigilant…

Boston Police Use Asset Forfeiture Funds to Secretly Purchase Stingray Spy Device

By Michael Maharrey Civil asset forfeiture is a pernicious policy in its own right. It is…

The War on the Dollar

By Michael Maharrey I recently appeared on the David Knight Show to talk about how the…

Signed as Law: Utah Expands Limits on Drone Surveillance

By Michael Maharrey SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (March 25, 2022) – On Monday, Utah Governor Spencer…