The New World Order Crisis: “The Reproduction of Real Life”. Food, Water and Fuel –Three Fundamental Necessities of Life in Jeopardy.

By Michel Chossudovsky Introductory Note and Update The scale and complexity of the 2020-2024 Global Economic…

The WEF “Cyber Attack” Scenario: Another Crisis “Much Worse Than COVID”, Paralysis of Power Supply, Communications, Transportation

By Michel Chossudovsky Author’s Note and Update The World Economic Forum (WEF) which represents the Western…

Weather Warfare: “Beware the US Military’s Experiments with Climatic Warfare”

By Michel Chossudovsky “The term “environmental modification techniques” refers to any technique for changing – through…

Police Violence. Has France Become a Police State? Bastille 2.0? 3.5 Million People Mobilize Against Macron

By Prof. Michel Chossudovsky The arrogance and criminality of the Macron regime, which is controlled by…

Michel Chossudovsky Interview: Engineered Destabilization Of The Global Economy & The “Reimagining”

By The Last American Vagabond Joining us today is Michel Chossudovsky PhD, an award-winning author, Professor…

The 2021 Worldwide Corona Crisis — “The Worst Crisis in Modern History”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Ariel Noyola Rodriguez We bring to the attention of our readers…