New Michigan Bill Could Make It Illegal For Companies To Demand Microchip Implants for Workers

By Mayukh Saha Many employers across the globe are moving towards microchip technology to keep track…

Citrix Says By 2035, Workers With Implanted Chips Will Have “Labor Market Advantage”

By Tyler Durden Just when you thought things couldn’t get more dystopian this year, American multi-national…

TERROR VAX! The most realistic & daunting vaccine predictions for 2021 – Part I of III

(Natural News – S.D. Wells) The true-to-life horrors of vaccines are about to get a whole…

Bill Making It Illegal to Forcefully Microchip Employees Passes in Michigan House

By Elias Marat Lawmakers in Michigan have passed a bill that would make it illegal for…

CV-1984: U.S. Wants Orwellian Tracking Similar To House Arrest Funded By HR 6666; Israel Wants Microchips For Kids

By Aaron Kesel Several U.S. states are exploring using technology to make sure COVID patients are…

Fact Checking the Fact Checkers: Bill Gates, ID2020 & Vaccine Microchips

By Spiro Skouras Today we are going to fact check the fact checkers regarding many online…