Solstice 2024 Smart Meters and Social Media: They Didn’t Know We Were Seeds

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International Images Courtesy Artist and Mother Michele Hertz Incrementalism Controlled by…

EMF/RF/5G – ‘Balance’ is Every Child’s Birthright

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International The calendar is holding in between the observance of Mother’s…

Written vs. Digital Acupuncture Health Care Records, Implications of Research on Children and Screens

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International A state licensing board for acupuncture will discuss medical records at its…

EMF/RF: “Remembering Nearfield” May NYC Film Festival; Irish Film “Freequencies”; Canada; International EHS Day

Compiled by Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International with Sean Carney (European and Canadian spelling is intact) Human Rights…

Smart Meters: Medscape Removes Courses Funded by Philip Morris, Time for Utility Commissions and Legislatures to Bow Too

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International Smart meter battles have been underway across the U.S. since the…

Citizen Science: Charlie’s Garden and Family’s Food vs. the Pittsfield Cell Tower

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International with Charlie Herzig Encyclopedia Britannica describes Love Canal, as “a neighborhood in…

Equinox Conservation: EMF/RF/5G/Wireless Choices that Harm or Harmonize?

by Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International Image courtesy Floris Freshman There are two moments each year when the sunrise and…

Equinox Balance Act: Addressing Unhealed-Pandemic-Telecom-Dependency

by Patricia Burke with the team of Safe Tech International; Image courtesy Lori McCray. There are two moments…

Equinox Elephant in the Ecosystem: Dying Plants and Trees vs. Wireless Antennas

by Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International; Featuring the Work of German Researcher Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam by permission “Climate” and…

The ‘Magnificent Seven’, Apple Pro Vision, SAM vs. Children: Be Very Aware

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International Image courtesy Floris Freshman On Monday, February 12, Business Insider noted, “The S&P…

Engaged Empathy and Informed Activism, Support Massachusetts Wireless Safety Legislative Bills – Five Second Action Item

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International Legislative bills to safeguard residents of Massachusetts from wireless risks are…

5G/EMF/RF: UK EECC Challenge Escalated to Judicial Review

By Karen Churchill of Safe Tech International, with Patricia Burke Note: Source spelling and grammar (UK)…

EMF/RF/5G Tale of Two Cities: CT Standing Up for the Community vs. Massachusetts AGO Favoring Telecom?

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International Some residents of the Alma Street neighborhood in Pittsfield, MA have been…

Do You Hear What I Hear? The Quiet Fall of the “Techno-Optimist Manifesto?”

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International Image courtesy Floris Freshman Commentary responding to Dec. 11 critique by Paris Marx…

5G/EMF/RF Solstice; Baby Get Back to Where You Once Belonged – Safeguarding Earth, Skies, and All of Nature

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, Space Trash image courtesy Floris Freshman SpaceX is scheduled to test operational compatibility between…