Baltimore PD Wants 24-Hour HD Surveillance Drones to Enforce Social Distancing

By Cassius K. The Baltimore Police Department and “Persistent Surveillance,” an Ohio-based company, signed a deal…

A Dozen Cops Ignore Social Distancing, Kidnap Child for Allegedly Selling Candy

By Matt Agorist New York, NY — New York State is one of the hardest his…

US, European Cities Turn to “Talking Drones” From China to Enforce Social Distancing

By Elias Marat As an increasing amount of cities and states across the world clamp down…

Homeless People Fined for Being Outside and Violating Social Distancing Orders

By John Vibes In the city of Hamilton in Ontario, Canada, police have been ticketing homeless…

Tunisia Deploys “Robo-Cop” To Enforce Coronavirus Lockdown

By Ruan Van Zijl The interior ministry of Tunisia has deployed “Robo-Cop” a police robot named…

UK Government Uses Coronavirus to Seize Police State Power

By The Conscious Resistance Derrick Broze breaks down the recently signed UK Coronavirus bill (HC 122)…

Quarantine Violators: “Shoot them dead”

By Micha Gartz How long until we’re willing to shoot quarantine violators? This may seem an…

Police App Encourages People To Report Neighbors Who Violate Stay At Home Orders

By MassPrivateI How do you encourage people to turn on each other during the COVID-19 pandemic?…

Watch as Cops Detain and Harass Man for Allegedly Withdrawing $40,000 from His Bank

By Jack Burns Crawfordsville, IL — Police officers in Crawfordsville appear to have attempted to get…

Footage Of Indian Police Beating Lockdown Violators Goes Viral

By Tyler Durden With only 500 or so cases confirmed as of Tuesday, Indian Prime Minister…

Chicago Mayor Warns — Those Who Go Outside To Exercise Risk Arrest

By Tyler Durden Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot threatened to shut down public areas on Wednesday after…

COVID-19 Outbreak Is The Trojan Horse To Increase Smartphone Surveillance

By Aaron Kesel The coronavirus outbreak is proving to be the Trojan horse that justifies increased…

Suspending the Constitution: Police State Uses Crises to Expand Its Lockdown Powers

By John W. Whitehead “That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be…

In Spain You Can’t Use Your Own Back Yard. Police Make Sure of It.

By Philipp Bagus The last days and weeks of the coronavirus epidemic give an interesting insight…

Rockefeller Blueprint For Police State Triggered By Pandemic Exposed

By Spiro Skouras Currently, the world is in the midst of a global health pandemic, or…