Republicans Get Clucked In Arizona

The Republicans Get Clucked In Arizona Arizona voters must feel a bit hen pecked. Their Republican…

Captain Crook

Deep State Captain Crook We know Biden isn’t really in charge. He’s a hollow, mannequin-in-chief who…

Democrat Land Of Delusion

Welcome to the “Democrats’ land of delusion” There’s too many men, too many peopleMaking too many…

IRS Knock Out Game

If the Republicans can somehow regain the purse strings, they need to defund and abolish the…

Sound Familiar? Biden’s Hate Speech

Sound Familiar? Biden’s Hate Speech Joe Biden made an alarming speech in Philadelphia, home of our…

Never Forget

Mourn the dead, Question the Narrative It has been 20 years since the World Trade Towers…

The Fourth Branch Of Government

Every breath you take, Every move you make, They’ll be watching you.. It’s bad enough that…

John McAfee Didn’t Kill Himself

And Neither did Epstein.. Another mega millionaire has allegedly committed suicide in prison. John McAfee was…

Biden- The Crook In Chief

Biden The Crook In Chief Biden’s Memorial Day speech included this howler: “Terrorism from white supremacy…

Government The Taker

What Government can give, Government can take away “Give us more, boy” The Big Government Taker…

The Billionairiat

“The Billionairiat” They are all in it together! At the beginning of this scam-demic we heard…

Nancy Pelosi’s Everyday “Altered State”

Hey Nancy, have another shot—or five—you’re going to need them! Nancy Pelosi absolutely hates President Trump.…

Flynn Frame Job

The Frame Job It is obvious that General Flynn was set up and framed in order…

The 800 Pound Soros

“He Who Shall NOT Be Named…” Protect George Soros! Never criticize him! That’s what the so-called…

Real Journalism

We do not have a free press. We have a biased, corporate controlled propaganda arm of…