Western US Braces For Loss Of Solar-Powered Generation During Solar Eclipse

By Kassia Micek The California Independent System Operator is preparing for a reduction of over 9…

El Niño Threat Puts US Solar Power Output At Risk This Winter

By Tyler Durden The Biden administration’s rapid push to decarbonize power grids with solar and wind…

Hail Storm Damages Almost Every Panel at Multi-Million Dollar Solar Farm

By B.N. Frank Some Americans are completely opposed to solar farms being installed near their homes…

Residents Support Bill with More Regulations on Solar and Wind Facilities; Concerns Include Electrical Fires, Environmental Harm

By B.N. Frank American opposition to solar (see 1, 2, 3, 4) and wind farms (see…

County Schedules Public Hearing to Discuss Solar Development Regulations; Will Address Noise, Glare, Other Concerns

By B.N. Frank While a growing number of local and state legislators are trying to restrict…

China’s Plans for the Moon Include Mining for Conflict Minerals, Solar Energy, Possible Military Use, and More

By B.N. Frank In 2020, NASA approved plans for the U.S. to drill on the moon…

Legislators Vote against Solar Farms and Energy Storage Units due to Local Concerns about Safety, Wildlife, Property Value

By B.N. Frank While some local and state legislators are trying to restrict “clean energy” and…

Four States Delay Planned Closing of Coal Plants, Pause Green Energy Goals

By B.N. Frank Warnings about costs, limitations, and risks associated with “clean energy” and/or “green energy”…

DOE Announces Online Tool that Identifies Locations Where U.S. Should (and Shouldn’t) Install Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, and EV Charging Stations

By B.N. Frank Experts continue to warn about dangers as well as shortcomings associated with controversial…

State Bill Limits Local Control over Solar and Wind Development; “will have a negative impact on neighboring homes”

By B.N. Frank Opposition to solar (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and wind power development…

County Requests Environmental Study for Proposed Solar Project; Residents Fear Loss of Farmland, Reduced Property Values, Fire Hazards

By B.N. Frank American opposition to solar farms is not going away due to considerable biological,…

After Borrowing £655 Million from Locals, Solar Energy Company “has gone bust”

By B.N. Frank Opposition to, lawsuits filed against (see 1, 2), as well as complaints and…

Science Professor Tells Legislators “wind and solar simply can’t meet the capacity”; “no one is considering the biological effects”

By B.N. Frank Opposition to, complaints about, and lawsuits filed against solar and wind power projects…

New Federal Research Reveals “daunting number of variables that need to be considered” when Installing Solar Panels on Agricultural Farms

By B.N. Frank American opposition to solar farms is increasing due to various significant issues associated…

Rural Residents Oppose Proposed Solar Farm Development Due to Noise, Property Value, and Hazards Concerns

By B.N. Frank Opposition to solar farms is increasing in the U.S. due to various issues…