Scientist: Net Zero Will Lead To The End Of Modern Civilization

Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is a resource-based economic system designed to control all resources on earth…

Company In Finland Seeks To Regulate US Companies For SDG Compliance

By Patrick Wood CNBC carried a story, It’s a ‘wild west out there’: CEO says regulation…

“Green” Energy is a Scam. It Isn’t MEANT to Work.

By James Corbett Good news, everybody! A new report from the eggheads at Oxford University assures…

City Approves $20.2M to “turn human waste into green energy, and make millions of dollars in the process”

By B.N. Frank There’s obviously no shortage of human waste in largely populated areas.  Turning it…

Sustainable Debt Slavery

By Iain Davis and Whitney Webb In this first instalment of a new series, Iain Davis…

Union of the Unwanted #46: Food Shortages & Sustainability

By The Union of the Unwanted Actionable information about how to plan for what is coming…

Lawsuits Filed Against Brad Pitt’s Green Housing Project for Hurricane Katrina Survivors; “many residents fear for their health”

By B.N. Frank There are increasing examples of expensive devices, infrastructure, and technology being promoted as…

Wind Power Project “became a living nightmare”. Taxpayers Swindled and No One Is Being Held Accountable (Kenya)

By B.N. Frank Some experts have insisted that the infrastructure and technology being used to build…

200 Organizations Ask Gates Foundation to Stop Funding “Failed” Green Revolution which “does not speak for Africans”

By B.N. Frank According to 200 organizations, the billion-dollar Alliance for a Green Revolution (AGRA) program…

Book and Film Expose the Illusion of “Green” Technology: “Bright Green Lies”

By B.N. Frank Technology can be and has been beneficial in many ways.  Unfortunately, it’s been…

Overfishing, Conservation, Sustainability, and Farmed Fish

By Coty Perry As with many other aspects of government policy, overfishing and other fishing-related environmental…

American Austerity: Are the Massive Power Outages Caused by Failure of Green Energy?

By Robert Wheeler The Great Reset is continuing apace and every sign that austerity is in…

Edmond de Rothschild Achieves 4-year Goals for Sustainable Development

Every global elite group that you can imagine has thrown their full weight behind Sustainable Development,…

Hemp Is Economically And Environmentally Sustainable

By Steven Maxwell As the world continues to reel from the economic impact from the widespread…