3 for 1 Fact-Check: Joe Biden Misrepresents Beau Biden’s Job as AG, a Bill He Championed for, and Calls for “Gender Affirming Care Bans”

Yesterday, The Gateway Pundit reported on a discussion that Joe Biden hosted with six transgender activists…

Fact-Checking the “Fact Checker”: El Paso 53% Adjudication is a Complete Failure by ALL Official Standards

The Gateway Pundit reported previously about the recount proceedings in El Paso County, CO. The logic…

Fake-News Reuters Reports on Feds Seizing $90,000 from Antifa-BLM Organizer John Sullivan — Neglect to Report Most Important Facts

It really is stunning how dishonest the mainstream media has become. We are at the point…

Disgusting: Politifact Hack Putterman Gaslights Public – Argues Video of Capitol Police Giving Protesters OK to Enter Capitol Is Not What It Seems

Consider the following article by The Gateway Pundit. It is compelling information that could dismantle the…

NPR Reporter Upset that Communists’ Right to Advocate Killing Cops is Unpopular

This article is also featured on TGP Factcheck Privileged VCU Student Body President and petit Communist…

WashPost Complicit in Giuliani Smear, Alleges FBI Warning last fall that Rudy Completely Denies

This article is cross-posted at TGP Factcheck WashPost reporters doing Biden’s dirty work, attempt to paint…

Fake News Specialists at Daily Beast Finally Admit “Russian Bounties” Hit Piece Was as Fake as the Russia Pee-Pee Tapes

Back in July 2020 The Gateway Pundit had already debunked the fake “Russian bounties” reports. Here…

Snopes Gets Pissy about Urinals, Lies about Portland Bathroom Policies

Snopes nitpicks Gateway Pundit article to rate it ‘mostly false’ when it is completely accurate MacGuill’s…

WashPost lies about Sidney Powell, her Voter Fraud Court Claims

Cross-posted from TGP FactCheck Washington Post’s Aaron Blake completely misrepresents Sidney Powell’s court filings, turning them…

Another Bogus Fact Check: Liberal Leaning “Fact-Checker” Claims Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots Dumped on Election Night for Biden and Ratio Reporting After That Were Completely Normal

If you don’t know that ‘fact checkers’ are used by the left and Big Tech to…

TGP FactCheck: Politifact Editor-In-Chief Bizarrely Claims Sending Sick COVID Patients to NY Nursing Homes Was Inconsequential

Angie Drobnic Holan is the Editor-in-Chief of the far left PolitiFact website. On Sunday Holan joined…

TGP FactCheck: Associated Press Factcheck of President Trump on Wind Power Blows Apart

Just think… It was only four months ago when President Trump lectured Joe Biden on wind…